Chapter 1

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Eddie was hoping that he would be able to get back to a somewhat normal life, whatever that may be. One that didn't involve living off of Spaghettios while hiding from the cops or nearly dying in an alternate dimension that he had learned about approximately five days prior would be preferable. And sure, he might have been asking for a bit much when he assumed that he would just be able to ease back into his life and maybe, finally, graduate. The last thing he expected, though, was for Steve Harrington to pull up to Hawkins Memorial Hospital in his BMW to pick him up after he was discharged.

"Your trailer's trashed," he said after rolling down the passenger side window.

Eddie just blinked at him, his brain still slow to catch up to the situation, foggy from all of the pain medications he had been on. "What?"

"Your. Trailer. Is. Trashed. Munson." Steve repeated himself slowly, still waiting for Eddie to take a hint and get in the car.

Eddie opened the passenger side door and unceremoniously slid into the front seat, cursing under his breath at the pain that spread throughout his sides at the sudden movement.

"If you want to stay at my house for a bit, you're more than welcome to. Our guest bedroom is already set up and everything."

"No, wait, what happened to the trailer?"

Steve waited until they were out of the parking lot to answer, "After they cleared your name publicly from the investigation, I guess some people got pretty upset, like, they really thought you still had something to do with it. You know, basically no one here has any common decency, so they took it upon themselves to fuck up your trailer."

There was silence for a few seconds, "Is Tiamat okay?"

"What? Who the hell is Tiamat?"

"Tiamat! My guitar, Steve! Is she okay?" Eddie seemed frustrated, as if it was common knowledge. Steve figured it was probably the pain meds.

"Your- yeah, it... SHE is fine. In the back with your clothes and some other stuff I thought you might need."

"You went through my stuff?"

"Well I wasn't really planning on giving you a choice on staying with me to be honest."

"And they say chivalry is dead," Eddie mused.

"My parents are never here anyways, so.. there shouldn't be too much bothering you."

Eddie just hummed in response before closing his eyes and relaxing back into the seat. He would have normally argued about not wanting to be in the way and being able to find a place and take care of himself, but he was too tired. He knew Steve was too stubborn to change his mind about Eddie staying over anyways, so he just let it go. After everything that had happened, Steve needed to have control over something, and quite frankly, Eddie needed a place to stay.

Neither of them said anything for the rest of the ride until Steve pulled into the driveway. "Don't worry about your stuff, I can bring it in."

"I'm not letting you be my bellhop, Harrington."

"Just shut up and go inside."

Eddie stared him down for a minute, debating whether the argument was worth it or not, before giving in and heading to the house. His things were fully moved into the guest bedroom in less than 5 minutes while Eddie sat on the edge of the bed, feeling useless. He waited until Steve had finished to ask about his uncle, who had apparently talked to Dustin about where Eddie had been and was currently fighting with the police over pressing charges for his trailer for about four days now.

"Apparently they have no idea who was responsible, so they're saying there's no way to actually charge anyone."

"Bullshit," Eddie sighed.

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