Chapter 6

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"What are you doing?" Robin trailed behind Steve as he walked down the aisles, skimming through movie titles. It was 8:06 and she was supposed to be on her way back home by now.

"Looking for a movie."

"You literally work here, you should know where the movie you want is."

"It's not for me, it's for Eddie, and he didn't say what he wanted. He just said he would kill me if I brought home a comedy or a drama or something like that, so I don't know what I'm looking for."

"I mean if he didn't specify, then it probably really doesn't matter that much."

"I just don't want to get a shitty movie."

"You don't want Eddie to think you like shitty movies," Robin corrected.

"Do you want to walk home?"

She held her hands up in defense, "I call 'em like I see 'em, Steve."

He didn't take too long, they left by 8:10. Most of the drive back to Robin's house was spent bickering over whether or not she should ask Vickie to go to the movies with her and Robin complaining about Steve not working for the next two weeks. Steve said he would stop in to maybe grab a few more movies at some point because they were running low on things to do, at which point Robin nudged him with her elbow. After threatening to kick her out of the car, he told her she could stop by the house any time, that Eddie would probably be happy to see her anyways. Robin refrained herself from making a comment about not wanting to interrupt anything wink wink, and soon enough they were back in her driveway.

Steve parked the car and waited for her to leave, but she just turned to look at him instead, "You'll be okay?"

He smiled a little at the concern in her voice, "Yeah. I'll be okay. A little weird, maybe, but I'll manage."

"Just call me, okay? If you need to talk or anything-"

He cut her off, "Robin, I will..."

"I'm proud of you... and I'm glad you told me."

"Yeah, you're just making this a big deal now. Didn't you tell me it wasn't scary because it didn't have to be a big deal? I could just 'let it happen.'"

She rolled her eyes, "Shut up, I was trying to be a good friend."

"Get out of my car."

"Don't forget to return your movies, dingus."

"Don't miss me too much."

"Oh, trust me," she opened the door and got out of the car. "I won't." She closed the door and gave him an exaggerated wave that Steve gladly returned before going inside her house.

He had to take a deep breath before he unlocked the door and stepped into the house. He could hear music in the kitchen and headed in that direction, hoping his heartbeat wasn't as loud as he thought it was. Eddie was over by the stove, scowling at something in a pot.

"You're listening to The Cure?" In Between Days was on.

Eddie turned around to look at him, "Yeah, well, there wasn't any good music to choose from and your Queen tape was busted."

"Insult my music one more time and I'm taking your movies back." He looked around Eddie at the stove, partially out of curiosity, partially because looking at Eddie felt rude and invasive for some reason. He hated that, because he definitely loved looking at Eddie. "What's that?"

"Pasta. It's one of the 5 things I can actually make without the immediate threat of a fire."

"I could have made something, you know," Steve set the movies down on the counter.

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