Chapter 8

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Eddie didn't bother Steve with his bandages. He was healing nicely and to be honest, he wasn't sure he could deal with the intimacy right now. Not to mention Steve seemed to be in worse condition than he was this morning. It would be a good day to start packing up his things.

He got changed, putting on a crop top instead of a normal shirt to prevent any irritation against his sides. He tied his hair back as he made his way downstairs and found Steve in the kitchen, looking like he was on the verge of tears.

"Are you alright?"

Steve just shook his head, "I got sick again and I burned the eggs."

Eddie felt bad for laughing, but it was amusing seeing Steve so distraught about something as insignificant as breakfast, "I thought you were the Keg King, Harrington? What happened?"

"I was. I guess I'm out of practice," It took him a second to process Eddie, not that he had really been LOOKING before, but he definitely was now.  "You... you left the bandages off." At least there was an excuse for Steve to stare.

"Yeah, it seemed like it was about time. Plus the sooner I get better and out of your hair, the sooner you can have Nancy over without an audience, right?" He winked at Steve. Okay. Maybe he was trying to test the waters a little, but that was it. He was leaving. He wasn't going to force something that wasn't going to happen. He wasn't going to stay where he didn't belong, and he knew he didn't belong with Steve.

"Oh, yeah... Nancy." Steve had forgotten about how much time they had spent together recently. Eddie had said something to him about her before, too. Unrequited... no, unambiguous love. Or something to that affect. He couldn't remember. He wasn't paying attention, and it obviously didn't matter much. Nancy was the furthest thing from his mind now.

"I'm just bummed your scars are gonna look cooler than mine," Eddie went over to the pan that was still on the stove despite the eggs already being burnt. He started to put them on the two plates Steve had already gotten out for them.

"I think being alive is a bit more important than how cool your scars look." Steve watched him carefully.

Toast popped out of the toaster next to him with a high-pitched ding. It was only slightly less burnt than the eggs. Steve groaned, "I'm sorry."

Eddie just smiled at him, "It's fine. You didn't have to do any of this. Let's just eat."

Steve grabbed the toast and put it on their plates before sitting at the kitchen table with Eddie. "Robin is stopping by today. I told her you would be happy to see her. She called while you were in the shower."

"Oh... are you sure it's a good time? Like, are you feeling okay enough?"

"I'll be fine," he nodded. And that was true. He would have been fine if he had a few more hours to shake off his hangover. Unfortunately, there was a knock at the door before they were even done with breakfast. Apparently Robin thought it would be easier to stop by before work rather than after. In hindsight, it probably should have been anticipated, but Steve wasn't exactly in perfect shape at the moment. Not to mention his brain felt like mush.

"I'll get it," Eddie offered, standing up when Steve made no attempt to move. He greeted Robin at the door. They hugged after Eddie assured her it was okay and it wouldn't be detrimental to his health. He took note that Robin gave good hugs. It was comforting and warm, and he couldn't remember the last time he had even been hugged. By anyone. It was nice.

"Steve's not feeling the best right now," he watched as she toed off her shoes, leaving them by the door.

"Yeah, he sounded shitty on the phone. Said you guys were drinking last night."

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