Also Chapter 13

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Hello, I was updating this (finally [two chapters should be published tomorrow]) and realized I didn't post like a third of chapter 13 and somehow missed it until now so here it is. Enjoy.

"You're full of shit."

Steve smiled as he placed a soft kiss to Eddie's lips. He got into bed, nudging Eddie over, despite his protests. They lay in silence for a few minutes before Steve spoke up, "I think you should call your uncle."

"What?" That had come from nowhere.

"I think you should your uncle," Steve repeated. "He's probably worried about you. And I think he missed you."

Eddie rubbed his eyes and sighed, "I don't want to cause him any more trouble."

"I know you're trying to do what you think is right, but-"

"Steve, he can't even live in his fucking house because of me."

"That wasn't your fault."

"It was, though. He's sacrificed a lot to take care of me, and all I've done is made things difficult for him. I can manage on my own." He could have laughed at that. Saying he was fine by himself while he lay in someone else's bed because of his stupid nightmares. Now that was rich.

"If you won't call him then I will. He deserves to know what's going on and that you're okay."

"Fine... if you give me the number to the hotel I'll call him tomorrow."

"Good." Steve seemed satisfied with ending the conversation there, because he closed his eyes and the corners of his mouth were turned up just slightly. Eddie watched him for a minute or two before closing his eyes as well.

To Eddie's surprise, Steve was up before him the next morning. He had written down the phone number to the hotel that Wayne was staying in and handed it to Eddie, practically pushing him to the phone as soon as he was awake and out of bed. He left to make breakfast, leaving Eddie to talk to his uncle in private.

He noticed that his hands were shaking as he dialed the number. He asked the clerk that picked up to transfer him to the correct room, giving Wayne's name and the room number that Steve had conveniently written down for him. There was a smiley face next to it. The phone rang a few times before there was an answer. Just a simple "hello?"

Suddenly his mouth felt like it was full of sand and he wanted to hang up and crawl away and disappear. Because what if it wasn't okay? What if this was the final straw and Wayne didn't want him now either? What was he even supposed to say? 'Hi, I know everyone thinks I'm a serial killer and I fell off the face of the earth for a few days, but I didn't hurt anyone and I got to go to a secret world underneath our town to fight monsters?' That was a one way ticket to the insane asylum.

"Hello?" Wayne asked again, confusion evident over the phone.

"Hi!" He panicked, his voice louder than he meant it to be,"Uncle Wayne, it's Eddie.."

"Eddie..." he couldn't make out the tone in Wayne's voice. "Are you out of the hospital? Where are you? Are you safe?"

Eddie felt himself smile a bit, "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm staying at.. a friend's house. Look, um... I'm really sorry for all the trouble I've caused you. I never hurt anyone, I promise, and it's hard to explain, and I know that sounds like bullshit especially with me disappearing and everything I just..." He took a shaky breath, "I was just scared. You don't have to forgive me or anything. And, you know, I should probably be finding my own place to live anyways, right? And you'll have less problems to deal with." There was a few seconds of silence and Eddie chewed nervously at his lip, waiting for a response.

"I know you didn't hurt those kids, Ed. I'm just glad you're okay. I was worried about you, you know." Eddie felt tears start to well up in his eyes as he listened to Uncle Wayne talk, "You can move out if you want to... But you'll always have a home with me. And I don't want you to feel like you have to get out before you're ready, okay?"

He swallowed the lump in his throat to give a shaky, "Okay."

"Come see me soon?"

"Yeah... I will."

"Be careful, Eddie. Stay safe."

"You too."

He hung up and leaned against the wall, wiping his eyes quickly.

Steve looked up when Eddie entered the kitchen, "How'd it go? Unless you don't want to tell me. That's fine too."

"No, it actually went well. He wants me to visit." He looked up at Steve, "Do you want to go with me? I mean, you don't have to and I don't mean it in some weird way, but he'll probably want to thank you for everything and-"

"Is this like meeting the parents?" Steve cut him off with a wide grin.

Eddie laughed, "Sure. Something like that."

Steve must not have understood that Eddie was joking too because his smile faltered and he seemed uncomfortable suddenly, "Um... I don't know if-"

"No, no, no," Eddie held his hands out, waving them frantically. "It's not for real... I mean, I didn't say anything about you. And I wasn't planning on saying anything."

"Oh..." Steve felt his face heat up and could only imagine how red he looked. "Sorry, that was stupid."

"It's not stupid," Eddie took his hands gently, rubbing small circles on the back of them with his thumbs.

Steve stepped closer to him, appreciative of the comfort, "Yeah. I'll go with you." He kissed Eddie's forehead softly. "And good morning, by the way."

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