Chapter 2

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My hand went straight to the gun in the back of my jeans. I turn around on the balls of my feet and see the Avengers standing there. My hand quickly comes away from the gun. 
"Your Anna right?" Steve said. I nod my head. 
"Yep I am." I say.
"I'm Steve R-." Steve couldn't finish his sentence before Nat cut in. 
"Yeah yeah she knows who you are now hun you ready to move in." She said wriggling her eye brows and hugging me.
"Yes I think I am." I say with my voice laced with sarcasm. Nat giggled a little. 
"Come on let's get your bags and boxes in the jet then we can go." Nat squealed as I laughed at my best friend who is currently skipping to my room. I follow after her. After we moved the boxes we all sat in the jet ready to take off. I sit there In my spot. I didn't move. I hugged my knees to my chest. I took the pocket knife I always carry and I play with it.  I was so nervous I didn't hear Nat taking a seat next to me. 
"Hey you ok?" She said annoyed. My head snapped towards Nat. 
"Yeah I guess." I say while looking down again.
"Come on that's bullshit." Nat crossed her arms. 
"It's her anniversary coming up and my nightmares are getting worse." I say sheepishly. 
"Hey come here." She said to me signalling me to give her a hug which I gladly return. 
"We can get Stark or Bruce to get you your meds and as for her I can't help, only be here for you." She says. 
"I know and Im great full for you." I smile going back for another hug. 
"Almost there guys." Steve shouted back. I look at Nat and she gives me a reassuring smile. As we land a million thoughts run through my head. I didn't hear the plane land but I realised that when someone taped me on the shoulder. My head shot up and I see Steve. 
"Hey you ok?" He asked while he sit next to me. 
"Ye I guess." I shrug. 
"No your not." He said. 
"What makes you say that?" I say innocently.
"Because I have a best friend and I know when he lies so I'm pretty good at spotting one." He smiled.
"I guess I'm nervous with new people and things it's complicated." I say. 
"The avengers are the definition of complicated so you have nothing to worry about." He said rubbing my shoulder and standing up. 
"Come on I'll take you to the meeting room Nat's there." He said. I nod and stand up. 
"Ok." I say. I follow him down many halls. He leads me to a glass door. He opens it. I walk in and see Nat. 
"Hey I thought you got lost there." She said. 
"Don't worry I had help off Steve." I say smiling at him. I thank him as I go to sit next to Nat. He nod and walk out. 
"You exited for many movie nights, hardcore training and death defying missions." She exaggerates. 
"Yep I am." I say. 
"You arsehole." She laugh. Just then the other Avengers except the ones on a mission started coming in. Then the one and only Tony Stark started speaking. I swear if he annoys me I'll break his wrist and sew his mouth shut.
"Ok everyone we have a new member joining us today meet Anastasia Volkov, the Red widow." He motioned towards me. 
"Please be nice she's been through a lot."
"Please call me Anna, Anastasia sounds so formal." I say. 
"It's lovely to meet you Anna," Wanda smiled. 
"I can already tell your gonna fit in around here we need someone bright." Sam smiled. I smile at him. 
"Now you need a place to stay so Nat can you show Anastasia to her room please." He smirked. I gave him a death glare. 
"It's Anna or would I have to start calling you Anthony." I smirk back while reaching for the door. 
"How did you know that." He questions. I smile. 
"I know a lot of things." I say while following Nat out of the room. I follow her up two flights of stairs and many hallways until we come to a set of double doors. 
"Go on open it." She smile. I'm confused. But my curiosity took over me. I grab the two handles and push. I look up and see my new bedroom. I'm speechless. Which is a first for me. 
"Is this all mine." I manage to say. 
"Yep it is." She smile.  

*My room* "Oh my god I love it

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*My room*
"Oh my god I love it." I say jumping on the bed. 
"I know, Tony wanted you to be comfortable so I sent him a pic of your room and he had it done." She say. 
"Thank you so much for this Nat." I say getting up and giving her a hug. 
"Anytime." She says. 
"Want to help me unpack I don't have a lot." I say. 
"Sure." We start unpacking my things and as we get to the last box I see her teddy. I tear up again. Nat comes over and hugs me from the side. 
"It'll be okay you know that." She says. 
"I know." I wipe a tear away. I walk over to the box on the end of my bed and put it in it. I look up and see Nat's gone. 
"You seriously need more clothes you have nothing in here, it's settled then we're going shopping." She squeals from my wardrobe. 
"Really do I have to." I say. 
"Fine you can stay here and I'll get you clothes." She smirked evilly. 
"I don't trust you." I say crossing my arms. 
"You've trusted me for years with missions and your life so I think getting you clothes will be fine." She challenge. 
"Fine." I roll my eyes. She jump up and down before rushing out of the room.

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