Chapter 12

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I wait for a reply. I play with my hands as I'm getting nervous.
"WHAT?!" I hear Wanda say. Fucking shit.
"WHAT?!" I then get a reply from Nat.
"Ok ok calm down. Wanda, Nat go outside there's more." I say.
"More?!" Wanda exaggerate.
"Shut up and move." I say. They both move outside. I take a breath.
"Last night we kind of slept together." I say scrunching my eyes. I hesitate to open them. When I do the screen was off. Oh they left the call. Well if they don't support me I'm still going to be with him. I then go to turn my tv on again then another call comes through.
"Sorry I got exited." Nat apologised.
"It's fine don't worry. Wait exited?" I asked shocked.
"Well I thought about it and I shouldn't have been so hard on you, i'm happy for you really." She say.
"Me too." Wanda squeal.
"Thank you. Now we're going on a date later and I need help." I say.
"Wear the white dress." Wanda say.
"What about the black one." Nat say.
"I quite like my blue one." I say.
"Ok the blue one is a little too dressy for a date and the black one will make boys go crazy even if Bucky's there so I'd go with the white one." Wanda say.
"You know what good idea, white one it is." I say.
"So how's it going over there?" I ask.
"It's going according to plan, we already scouted out the place now we have to raid it." She say.
"Oh so when will you be home?" I ask.
"End of the week, sorry I can't be there for Val's anniversary. Does Bucky know?" She say.
"It's fine don't worry and I'm going to talk to him later about it. I tried making up excuses before last night happened but now I think I might have to tell him the truth." I say. I play with my hands again.
"Ok well good luck and enjoy we have to go." Wanda say.
"Thank you girls bye luv ya." I laugh.
"Luv ya too bye." They both say. I end the call. I walk down the hall to the lounge.
"Buck." I call. Oh no this cannot be happening again. I run to the training room. Nothing. I go to the kitchen. Nothing.
"Hey Friday where's Bucky?" I say a little panicked.
"Mr. Barnes is in his room I believe." FRIDAY say. I believe what's that supposed to mean. I run to his room. I walk in and see him laying down on his bed. I sigh.
"Hey what's wrong?" He say getting up and coming to hug me.
"I need to talk to you now it can't wait." I say. He nod his head and lead us over to his bed. I sit on the end and he's right next to me.
"I don't want to keep secrets from you, I tried making up excuses to get away from here for a while but when last night happened I knew that I couldn't." I say. I look down and play with my hands again. He rub my back and hold my hand to comfort me.
"It was like any normal day, I went to work and i come home. Only this time was different. I called Val my sister, usually she would answer, but I got nothing. I called again. Nothing. I went to the kitchen and found everything in a mess. I then looked in the lounge and saw....... I-I saw two gaping bullet holes in my sisters head." I then couldn't hold the tears in any longer. I wipe them away. I feel him hug me. I bury my head in his chest.
"I'm so sorry." He say.
"It's ok I've been through some shit, but I carry on." I say.
"Me too I did things that I'm not proud of but I guess I have to carry on and stop living in the past." He say.
"It'll be exactly two years on Thursday. I was hoping I could get out of here for a couple of hours to you know visit her." I say.
"You want me to drive you there?" He ask. I look up at him.
"Yea please." I nod my head. He kiss me.
"You wanna start watching Rocky 4." He say.
"Or we could watch Mamma Mia, how I love ABBA." I giggle.
"I am not watching Mamma Mia. Rocky 3 or 4 you pick." He argue while shifting back on the bed.
"Fine the fourth one. Only for the soundtrack." I giggle. I shift my way up to him and I wrap my arms around him. I put my head on his chest and wait for the film to start. Halfway through I get a weird feeling. I lift my head to see if I can hear anything. I hear cars.
"What's up?" Bucky ask.
"Shhhh do you hear the cars." I say. I reach for the hand gun in my back pocket and walk to the door. I look back and see Bucky with two hand guns. I signal there's no one out there. I open the door. I quickly go out and scout out one side of the corridor and Bucky does the other. We go to the front entrance and see the cars we heard. We keep going until we see a S.H.I.E.L.D logo on them. I put my gun back in my back pocket.
"Must be for a meeting or something." Bucky shrug.
"Could be anyone with a fake logo on it. I'm gonna go find them." I say. He nod I run inside and go to the meeting rooms where I have a feeling they'll be. I walk up to one and I see Secretary of State giving a meeting to generals in the compound and also S.H.I.E.L.D generals. I walk back to Bucky's room and pop my head in the door.
"Hey buck I'm going to get ready." I shout.
"We don't leave u til 7" he shout back.
"I know but it takes a girl a lot longer to get ready." I smile. Not that he can see it.
"Ok bye see you later." He laugh.
"Bye." I say before leaving and going to my room.

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