Get used to it

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Kurtis ran back into the wall, suddenly realizing he was living the reality of a mouse. It was all making sense now. The giant furniture, the bite marks, the insulation and plumbing in the wall- Lurtis put all the pieces together.

"If I'm in the wall...then that makes me the mouse," Kurtis thought aloud, his voice barely above a whisper.
" did I get here? Where is here? Why am I tiny? And what will Kiwi do without me?!" Kurt wanted to break down, but then a voice interrupted him from his tears.
"Hey there. You must be the new guy."
Kurtis slowly turned around, to see a human sized mouse standing in the archway (or rather, a normal sized mouse, and instead Kurtis, the human, was now the size of a mouse.)
"Wh-what?" Kurtis stuttered, taking a slow step back.
The large mouse had shiny brown fur, beady black eyes, and whiskers that twitched every time his nose moved.
"Hey pal, dont freak out," the mouse said calmly, smiling at Kurtis. Kurtis shrieked and threw one of the mouse paintings at the talking mouse, and glass shattered. To Kurtis' surprise, the mouse bolted to Kurtis and covered his mouth with his paw.
"Be quiet! You dont want Tom to hear you!" the mouse said frantically. Kurtis didnt want to look the mouse in the eyes, so instead he closed them, shaking, while still being trapped by the mouse's paw. He could feel his own heart trying to escape, but could also feel the mouse's heart, beating almost as fast as his own.
The room inside the wall was quiet, anticipating, waiting, breathing. After what seemed like too long, the mouse let go of Kurtis, and removed his paw from Kurtis' mouth.
"Phew. Seems like Tom finally left," the mouse said, giving Kurtis a small smile.
"Who eveb are you!" Kurtis blurted out.
"Im Jerry," said the mouse matter of factly.
"Jerry...what is going on!!!!???" Kurtis shrieked.
"I cant quite say for sure, but you must've shrunk and ran into our mouse hole."
"I would never shrink! Im a real boy- also...our hole?"
Jerry laughed, "Me and Mickey live here."
Kurtis' eyes widened.
"Mickey like..the mouse?! I think i might love him!" Kurtis joked, because he is a comedian.
Jerry must've not thought the joke was funny, because his brow furrowed and he menacingly waled up to Kurtis.
"Dont ever say that about my husband again...or I will kill you," Jerry snarled, his soul less eyes boring into Kurt boy's skull.
Kurtis nodded, and once he was released, he gulped.

Jerry took a breath, "Sorry bout that. Now, tread lightly and be quiet, but Tom is out with Tony the Tiger, so we can get some food. Dont break anything, dont touch anything, dont poop anywhere."

Everything was becoming too real for Kurtis.
"What if we get caught? Do we die? I dont want to live like this!" Kurtis cried, gripping onto a nail sticking from the ground.
Jerry sighed, and while peeling Kurtis off from the nail, he said, "This is your life now buddy. Get used to it."

Kurtis Conner x Danny Gonzalez x Tom x JerryWhere stories live. Discover now