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A symphony of groaning and whining played among the Hargreeves as they trudged their way to an adjacent deck that was right off of Sir Reginald Hargreeves' very large piece of property. On this deck, there were two white picnic tables and three brown benches. The members of the Umbrella Academy diverged themselves among the tables and benches.

"Just gonna sit. I'm just gonna sit for a minute," groaned Luther as he beelined for the middle bench and crouched down to sit on it at a snail's pace.

Allison took the bench next to him while Klaus grabbed the table on the left and threw himself on top of it as if it were a bed. Five and Elaina took the remaining table. The boy sat down facing the center of the deck, while Elaina opted to sit the correct way so she can put her head down on the table in frustration. Diego, being Diego, decided to walk over to the railing of the deck, being the lookout as he watched on for any other incoming dangers.

As he looked over the small pond and deemed it safe, Diego spun around to face his family. "Well, that didn't go well,"

"No, not our best work," agreed Five tiredly.

"We got our asses beat," muffled Elaina into the sleeve of her jacket.

Klaus was lying on his back, his cowboy hat covering his face from the sun, while he twisted his legs over to his other side, earning an array of cracks from his joints.

"Oh, I'm cracking," mused out the man, gaining a few disappointed head shakes from his siblings.

Allison adjusted herself on the bench before catching the lost look on Luther's face. "You alright?" she asked.

"I don't know yet," he answered honestly. "I've just never had my ass handed to me like that before."

Overhearing them, Elaina couldn't help but lift her head up and slightly turn her body to the left so she could look at her brother. Five was stretching his jaw and cracking his neck to work out the recent kinks.

"It's like..." Luther then dumbly held up his hands towards Allison as if he was handing her something. "It's your ass,"

Elaina let out an unintentional "Pfft!" at the unexpected, but the surprisingly hilarious description he gave of his ass-whooping. The sound of her laughter filled the silent air.

Allison tried to keep a straight face, but the comical concern was written all over it. "Okay, I think Luther's concussed," she concluded, putting a hand on Luther's shoulder.

"If that's the case, I should've knocked him the noggin more often. That's the funniest he's ever been," cackled the girl as she swung her legs around on the seat so she could properly face Allison and Luther.

Klaus sat up and turned in the same direction as he held up three digits. "Luther, how many fingers?" he asked.

Luther ignored them both as he realized that there was one member missing from the group. "Oh my God, Vanya!"

Right on cue, Vanya came limping in towards the deck. "Oh. Thank God you're alive," she said with relief.

"You okay?" asked Allison.

Klaus didn't wait for Vanya's answer as he mentioned the elephant in the room. "Apparently, so is Ben,"

"Yeah. And he's a complete dickhead," commented Elaina with a roll of her eyes.

"They're all dickheads," tagged in Diego.

"Dickheads who can fight," joined Luther.

Five, having enough of the word, said, "Okay, the next person to say 'dickhead' is getting punched in the throat,"

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