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Anger is one hell of a thing. It's truly scary how the brain and body react to it. The heart starts pumping, blood pressure starts raising, your breath starts quickening, and then you see red–or in some cases, purple, like this one. That being that fact, it was no surprise that Elaina's body moved completely on its own with no demand or direction from her brain. It knew exactly what it was she wanted at that moment, and it wasn't going to deny it to her.

Giving Tony no time to process, the scotch bottle went flying from the security of Elaina's hand and straight towards his stupid face.

His eyes widened, clearly surprised and caught off guard at such a quick attack. "Oh, shit–" he muttered in panic, ducking with just a nano-second to spare as the bottle exploded over his head once it collided with the wall, glass shattering all over the elevator's floor.

"I'll fucking kill you, you deceitful, manipulative, Go-Diego-Go-looking, motherfucker!!"

Clearly, Tony's stupid face wasn't as stupid as it seemed. He sensed the relentless blood lust oozing off Elaina once she charged in after the bottle did, and Tony decided fighting back was the only way to make it through this situation.

Good. Elaina wanted to enjoy her prey before killing him. This asshole was about to get exactly what was coming to him.

Elaina swung her leg up, hoping to catch the idiot while he ducked down, but he had enough instinct to move out the way. Thanks to the small space of the elevator, the girl was able to catch Tony just as he tried to move past her toward the lift's opening. She got him by the collar of his shirt and threw him backward.

Tony let out a grunt as his head collided with the wall. The bell singling the doors closing rung. Groaning gears sounded right before the doors shakily started to close. Still holding the teen's collar, Elaina let out a gleeful smirk as she swung Tony forward again, his face crashing right into the now-closed double doors.

The teen boy let out a pained wheeze the moment his nose banged into the hard surface. Just as he felt Elaina try for a second go, his hand shot up and locked her wrist, managing to maneuver her away from him as he twisted her arm behind her back.

A warm sensation tickled Tony's upper lip as the blood flowed. She definitely broke his nose.

"Not the greeting I was hoping for," he said against gritted teeth, struggling to keep a grip on the wriggling teen girl. "But honestly can't say I'm surprised,"

Elaina's adrenaline was pumping hard against her veins, harder than it ever has in her entire life at that moment. She let out a mighty battle cry, catching Tony by surprise as she jumped up, kicking her feet against the wall in front of her, sending them both backward.

Tony let go of her arm in the momentum of it all, but wasn't easily bested as he anticipated her trying to separate herself from him as quickly as possible. He caught her ankle as she tried to crawl away. Elaina screeched when he pulled her back, making her fall to the ground as she tried to create distance between the two.

"Els–Elaina! Look, I know that you're a little upset–WAIT NOT THE FACE AGAIN!"

With a look over her shoulder, she kicked Tony's face with her other leg, landing another blow to his face. Blood flew from both his nose and mouth this time as he let go for a second time, letting Elaina rush forward to the pile of glass. Grabbing the biggest and most intact piece, she spun on her heel, gripping it tightly between her fingers as waved the jagged edge around frantically toward Tony. True to his Commission training, he evaded each swing, dodging to the best of his abilities. Yet, unlike his training, he was completely on the defense and not at all trying to go on the offense.

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