Lord Charles Andrew Howard's Heiress Marries

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Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR had a dream that his golden hair heiress would marry his younger brother's grandson, Lord Richard Edward Howard III.

It was his dream that when the two married it would bring back his family that his grandfather and father destroyed.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR was known on Star Base 12 as the Charles, The Loved Duke of Norfolk Territory and he was well respected and loved.

Whereas neither his grandfather and father were, but his great-grandfather was well loved and respected and no one ever thought that his son and grandson would divide his family, but both Lord Frederick William and his son, Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior did when Lord Frederick William Howard disinherited his eldest son, Lord Frederick William Howard II and Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior did the same thing when his second son, Lord Richard Edward Howard Senior married without the consent of their fathers.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR devised a plan to make sure that his golden hair heiress would marry her second cousin, the grandson of his younger brother and it would bring back the family that his great-grandfather started in 2165.

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard was born 16 months before Lord Richard Edward Howard III, but as the two grew up together.

They became very close and practically inseparable.

Lord Richard Edward Howard III would inherit the Dukedom of Wessex Territory from his father and Lady Elizabeth would inherit the Dukedom of Norfolk Territory from her father.

Secretly, Lord Andrew Charles Howard wishes that his son, Lord Anthony Christopher Howard would succeed to the Dukedom of Norfolk Territory, but his grandfather's Last Will and Testament was iron-clad and his first great-grandchild through his eldest son would inherit it.

Of course, Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles " I will strangle your sons and you, so my Elizabeth inherits the Dukedom of Norfolk Territory."

"No worthless boy or son of yours is going to take my Elizabeth's rightful inheritance from her." Lady Karissa states.

"I will poison your sons and you and feed you to the vultures." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Oh! They are my sons now." Lord Andrew Charles asks her.

"Well, if the shoe fits. Wear it." Lady Karissa exclaims.

"Don't get me wrong. I love my sons, but no son is going to take Lady Elizabeth's inheritance from her." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Must I remind you of what your great-great-grandmother told your worthless great-great-grandfather. " Lady Karissa explains."Oh! She is just a girl." Lady Karissa states.

"What about Kosem, Sultana of The Ottoman Empire, Queen Elizabeth I of England, Queen Victoria of England, Empress Catherine I and II of Russia, were they just girls, but they ruled." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Elizabeth is your father's heiress. Do you think he is going to allow you to alter the succession?" Lady Karissa asks "Why don't we call your father from York Territory?"

"No. Let's not bring my father into this, Lady Karissa." Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"What are you afraid of your father?" and or are you afraid he will turn you over his knee and beat your rear-end?" Lady Karissa asks.

Lady Elizabeth walks into the drawing room with Lady Samhain, Lord Richard Edward Howard III and Lord David William Beck II and Lady Elizabeth curtsy to her father and mother " Where is my grandfather?"

"York Territory, Lady Elizabeth. He is Duke there and he is governing it." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"I guess I will tell him when I see him that Lord Richard Edward Howard III and I are engaged to be married in June of 2294." Lady Elizabeth tells her father and mother.

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