Chapter 3: Lolia Village

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Hey, I just want to thank everyone for reading this.. This is really my passion project. I've always wanted to write something like this. Which is why I'm writing so fast! This is the longest chapter so far. (I've wrote all 3 chapters so far listening to old Gacha music)
GingerBright's POV
The group traveled, hours. It started to get dark.
"I think we should stop for the night." Wizard suggested.
Me and GingerBrave agreed.
"Alright, then. tomorrow we are approaching our first stop, Lolia Village." Pomegranate told us.
"Lolia Village?" I asked.
"Yep, it's a small village inhabitated by mostly cookies with Lolly Pop in their dough." Pomegranate informed.
We finished setting up, and settled down for the night..
I was the first to fall asleep...
"Wake up, GingerBright!"
Oh no... Not again..
"No... Stay out of my head!"
"Why didn't you save me?"
"Go away!"
"You SHOULD have saved me!"
"No, no, no I'M NOT TO LATE! I'm coming to save you." I expected her to say what she says every other time. But no.
She faded away.
"GingerBright! Get up already! It's time to get going!" GingerBrave shook me awake.
I looked at him,
"Oh, did you have that dream again?" He asked.
"... It doesn't matter." I grabbed my backpack, and left the tent.
"Well, look who's awake!" Wizard teased. The other tents had already been packed up.
"Ha-ha, very funny." I replied, sarcastically. GingerBrave packed up our tent, and we set off for Lolia village! It didn't take long until we started to see jellyfruit trees, which was apparently a sign we are getting close..
"The village should be-" Pomegranate began, before a cookie appeared, wielding a watermelon lolly pop.
The cookie raised the (weapon??),
"Who are you? Where are you from? Are you spies for that Dark Enchantress girl?" The cookie asked.
"Woah, woah, we are simply travelers!" Pomegranate reassured..
The mysterious cookie set down the lolly pop, and began thinking...
"I don't believe you.. I have no reason to."
Then another cookie appeared, an elder cookie.
"Okay, Melon Pop, there's no reason to start a fight! These are simple travelers!"
"But, Apple Pop, we don't know that!"
"Excuse Melon Pop, travelers are always welcome in Lolia village! Come this way!" The elder cookie insisted.
We decided to follow the cookies.
"What brings you to our village?" Apple Pop Cookie asked politely.
"We were passing through, and decided to stop by." Pomegranate explained.
"We don't get many visitors, because everyone's more interested in visiting that stupid HollyBerry Kingdom..." Melon Pop muttered.
"Be nice!" Apple Pop scolded,
"We have nothing against HollyBerrians!"
"Pssh, all they do is party and get drunk..." Melon Pop muttered again. Apple Pop gave her a look, and she shut up.
"So, this is our village!" Apple Pop announced.
The land was covered in lolly trees, and fresh flowers! Colors of all kind, and everyone seemed peaceful!
We looked in amazement.
In the middle of the village, a colorful fountain!
"It's so beautiful!" I exclaimed.
"Way better than those-"
"It's true!"
"Wow, you must really hate the HollyBerry Kingdom!" Wizard assumed.
"Hate is an understatement!" Mel replied, clutching her lolly pop. Apple Pop rolled her eyes,
"I apologize for my daughters behavior, she's just not use to visitors..."
"It's quite alright!" GingerBrave reassured.
"So, will you be staying overnight?" Apple Pop asked.
"That's our plan." Pomegranate informed.
"Well, we have an Inn that way, if you need it." Apple Pop pointed to the east.
"Thank you so much–"
"Melon Pop Cookie!" A small Lolian rushed up to her.
"What seems to be the issue?" Melon Pop kneeled down.
"There's nothing wrong, but can you come play with us?" Asked the child.
"Of course!" Melon Pop agreed.
"Aw, the kids just love her..." Apple Pop said, and then sighed,
"I know, Melon Pop seems harsh, but once you get to know her... She's the sweetest cookie."
"She surely does seem harsh..." Wizard added.
"She's been through a lot... I found her, four years ago. It felt like she had just randomly appeared in our village. She was only 18, and refused to tell us her name or where she came from. So, we just called her Melon Pop, or just Mel for short. I took her under my wing, and she became the main protector of our village." Apple Pop explained to us.
"Well, it was nice meeting you, but I think we are gonna go ahead to the Inn!" Pomegranate told her politely.
"Of course, you must be exhausted after your journey! If you need anything, come find me!" Apple Pop walked off.
"Okay, she said the Inn was this way? Right?" I asked, pointing.
"No, no, no, this way." Wizard corrected, pointing another direction.
"I'm pretty sure it was this way."
"Well you're wrong!"
GingerBrave got in-between us,
"Guys! Calm down, you're both wrong! Apple Pop told us it was east."
"GingerBrave is correct." Pomegranate agreed.
I glanced at Wizard, he glances back, then rolls his eyes.
We headed to the Inn, it was just called,
"Lolia Inn"
Though just like everything else in Lolia, it was beautiful! Even the rooms are beautiful!
"So, is this just a break day?" I asked.
"We have a long journey ahead. You guys are only 16, you deserve a break before this... Chaos." Pomegranate admitted.
"Thanks for looking out for us.." Wizard surprisingly said.
"No problem.."
I just kinda sat there, shocked at what I just heard- Wizard thanking someone? Wow!
"Well, we should go explore!" GingerBrave suggested.
"Yeah!" I agreed.

I decided to go to the fountain, it's so much prettier close up.. In the distance, I could see Melon Pop playing with the little kids. Maybe Apple Pop was right, she does seem very sweet. Those kids seem to just love her! I really do wish me and GingerBrave had someone like that on our lives when we were younger, but we never did. I've spent my entire life running... That I've never really felt the warmth of a home...
"Hey, you okay?" Oh, I was so lost in my little day dream to notice Melon Pop come over.
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine.. Just looking around." I reply nervously.
"Sorry for how I acting during our meeting... I'm not used to stuff like this.." She apologizes, "Let's start over, I'm Melon Pop Cookie!" She extends her hand.
I shake it,
"I'm GingerBright!"
"It's nice to meet you, what brings you here anyway?"
"Well, me and my friends are heading to the HollyBerry Kingdom to ask them for help defeating Dark Enchantress Cookie! 4 years ago she took one of my friends, and we are trying to get her back."
Her eyes widened,
"Wow, that seems like a big job.. I wish I could help in some way.."
"Mel! Mel! Mel! Mel! Come back, and play with us!!!" Exclaimed the children.
"Ah, I better go. I hope to see you again." Melon Pop went back to playing with the children.
Wizards POV
I'm not gonna lie, I'm extremely interested in learning more about that Melon Pop Cookie. So I decided to go see Apple Pop, to learn more...

I knocked at her door,
"Oh, it's you, the little wizard guy! I believe we met earlier."
"Indeed, we did. If you don't mind, I'd like to learn more about the day you found Melon Pop Cookie."
"Curious? Well, alright!"
"It was a cold night, when I heard rumbling coming from the outside of my house. Naturally I was scared... But I decided to go check it out anyway. I walked out of my house to see a cookie with pink hair, bright red eyes, she was wearing a black hoodie. I let her inside, and she told me she felt overwhelmed with everything in her life, and just wanted to get away from it all... She only came here with one thing."
"May I see it?"
She pulled something out from her drawer,

""May I see it?"She pulled something out from her drawer,

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