Chapter 8: Chaosberry...

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Narrators pov
Strawberry Cookie.. It's been 4 years since everything went down, yet... She doesn't remember that night.. She barely remembers her old "friends". All she remembers is that they left her, they were never her friends.. As Dark Enchantress has told her. But, Dark Enchantress saw her potential, she took her in... She's training her to become stronger... So she can get her revenge on those who've seemingly wronged her.
She's no longer the cookie she once was.
She's not Strawberry.
She's Chaosberry.
Chaosberry's POV
It's just another day in the castle, I'm training as usual.. I wish I remembered more, about my past.. Since Pomegranate Cookie left I've kind of forgotten a lot of things, but I still remember them.. The horrible things they did, they were never really my friends, were they? They just used me, but I'm with Dark Enchantress and she's actually trying to help me! In fact, she's gonna help me with training today.. I've been here 4 years, yet, I still have a lot to learn, according to her.

"Alright, Chaosberry, bring me your weapon." Dark Enchantress demanded.
I don't know why she wants it, but she's the master.
I handed over my Lollypop and watched as Dark Enchantress poured a purple liquid over it..
Turning it from pink, to red and making it seem more shiny.. A rose colored aura appeared over it...
"Now, you have the power to recover memories, and other things of the sort.. But you will need to train before you will know how to properly use it."
"You mean... Like how Pomegranate Cookie could?" I asked.
"Yes, like Pomegranate Cookie."
She responded.
I've been taking a lot of Pomegranate's duties since she left.. Though, Dark Enchantress won't tell any of us why she left.
Wait... Maybe with this, I can recover my lost memories!
"Thank you, Master.. Now, how do I use this?"
Dark Enchantress gave me a book, it apparently has writings on how to use all of the spells I'm allowed to do..
I'm only interested in one though..

I'm only interested in one though

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This looks... Fairly easy.. I held my weapon to myself and recited the words on the paper...
Nothing happened..
Well, maybe I did it wrong?
I tried again.
Still not working..
So, I tried again, and again... And again..
It's not working..
Maybe, this just isn't for me?
I attempted to close the book, feeling defeated..

Is that... Me?


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No... Not this memory..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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