Chapter 1

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"You want me to go to space."


"You want me to go to space on Victor Von Doom's dime."


Isaac stares blankly at his old friend, doing his best to see some sort of sign he's messing with him. "Space," he says again, voice completely flat.

Reed can't help but roll his eyes with a frustrated sigh. "Yes, Isaac. Space. I want you to go to space with me. Yes. For the last time, yes."

Isaac frowns at him. "Reed, you do realize I'm a botanist, right? My thing is plants. Plants grown on Earth," he emphasizes.

"I do, but that's just what we need," Reed tells him, leaning forward on the table between them as his excitement grows. "We need some sort of base to study the effects of the cosmic rays before we can see how they may affect humans. That's where you and your plants come in."

He frowns harder. "You're asking me to kill my babies with your weird space storm cloud thing?"

Reed gives him a look. "You really need to stop referring to your plants as your babies and no. If my calculations are correct, then it won't kill them at all. If anything, it will make them stronger. Healthier."

"I'm hearing a lot of 'ifs'," Isaac points out.

He stands up from the table with his empty coffee mug in hand, turning his head slightly to avoid the reflective surface of the microwave as he walks past it to reach the sink.

Reed sees the action and presses his lips together as something in his chest tightens. He shakes his head and refocuses. "Come on, Isaac. Ben's already agreed to come."

"Good for Ben," he says simply, busy rinsing his mug and not even turning to look at him.

"Doesn't every kid want to go to space?" Reed tries. "Come on. You can live out a childhood dream."

Isaac shrugs as he cuts off the tap and sets the mug down. "I was more of a dinosaur kid than an astronaut kid."

Reed stands up and rounds the table. He needs Isaac on this expedition. Not only does he want familiar and trusted people around him if he's going to be using Victor Von Doom's money and equipment, but he knows there is no better botanist he could find.

Unfortunately, this near desperation means he speaks without thinking.

"It's space, Isaac," he reiterates. "Miles above Earth's atmosphere. You can't ask for a better trip. I mean, when's the last time you even really left New York?"

Reed realizes what he said when he sees the way Isaac's entire form stiffens. A beat of silence passes before he turns around and levels him with a perfectly blank look.

"Afghanistan," he says flatly.

Reed winces. "Right," he mutters.

Isaac sighs and leans back against the sink, arms crossed over his chest. "I don't know, Reed. I mean, this whole theory is- it's risky."

"It's science," Reed reminds him. "There's always a risk but if this works out, if my theory holds true..."

He trails off as the possibilities silently fill the air between them. Finally, Isaac sighs again and uncrosses his arms.

"Fine," he agrees. "I still don't like all these 'ifs', but fine. I'll go to space to play with your little storm."

Reed beams at him. "I knew you would!" he claims. "Thank you, Isaac. Really. There's no one better I could have to handle the plants."

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