Chapter 9

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Isaac is a little more careful from there on out with practicing his powers, but that doesn't mean life in the Baxter Building gets any less surprising or chaotic.

Susan makes a short trip outside that's made even shorter when a crowd of people (fans and reporters alike) swarms her on the sidewalk. The experience causes her to immediately suggest they stay in the building for the foreseeable future or at least until they figure out how to reverse their powers.

Most of them accept the idea with no problem.

Susan simply doesn't want a repeat of the mob incident. Reed is more than happy to stay in his lab. Ben doesn't want to be seen in his new form and Isaac rarely leaves the building anyway.

Unsurprisingly, Johnny seems to have the hardest time with their quarantine. The newly made pyro is used to being able to go out where he wants when he wants. He obviously doesn't do well stuck inside, especially when it's not by choice.

Unfortunately for Ben, he seems to be the main target for Johnny's boredom. Isaac can't even pretend to be surprised when a by-now familiar shout interrupts his reading.


He looks up from the scientific journal and glances at the ivy wrapped around his arm. "What do you think he did now?" he asks, humming quietly when the plant adjusts itself like a shifting snake. "Hm. Fair enough, doll."

Johnny comes running into the room not thirty seconds later, smiling wide and looking particularly pleased with himself.

"Do I want to know?" Isaac asks flatly.

"Ben was taking a nap," he tells him proudly. "All it took was a feather duster and a little whipped cream to wake him up."

Isaac gives him an unimpressed look. "Whipped cream on his face? Really? How old are you?"

Johnny presses one hand to his chest with a scandalized gasp. "Asking a boy his age? Isaac, how could you!" He drops his hand and sends him a wink. "Don't worry. I promise I'm legal."

"Must be a relief for the court system," he says, desert dry as he returns to the article he was reading.

He pays no mind to the face Johnny pulls for it. Likewise, he ignores the way he steadily gets closer and closer to his spot on the couch like a dog who knows better than to beg but would sure like a treat anyway.

Isaac sighs when he feels the empty cushion beside him shift. "What do you want, Johnny?" he asks as he turns the page.

"I'm bored. Entertain me."


"Come on," he whines. "Please?"

"What makes you think my answer has changed?"

"I said please."

"And again I ask: what makes you think my answer has changed?"

Johnny huffs and rolls his eyes. "Come on," he whines again. "At least tell me what you're reading."

Isaac sighs again and finally looks at him. "Johnny, you don't actually care," he points out. "You're just bored."

"Aw, come on. You don't think I'm interested in what's going on in..." He trails off as he tilts his head to read the title. "The American Journal of Botany. God, why am I even surprised?"

"I imagine a lot of things surprise you. Like a puppy seeing the outside world for the first time."

"You're in a mood today," Johnny notes.

Isaac cocks one eyebrow. "Couldn't possible have anything to do with the way I'm trying to read but keep getting interrupted, could it?"

"No. I don't think so," he says with a grin that only grows when he sees Isaac's reluctant smile. "Come on. For real this time. What are you reading?"

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