Chapter 7

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Isaac pauses and looks back in surprise when he hears heavy footsteps behind him. He raises his eyebrows when he sees Ben, waiting patiently for the now orange man to join him.

"Too heavy for the elevator," Ben mutters in explanation.

Isaac only gives a noncommittal hum in answer, making no comment as he turns and starts back up the stairs with Ben at his side.

They walk in silence for a few seconds before Ben obviously can't take it anymore.

"That's it?" he demands. "That's all you have to say?"

Isaac gives him a curious look. "What do you want me to say?" he asks.

"I don't know!" Ben exclaims in frustration. "I feel like I don't know anything anymore. I mean, look at me, Isaac." He stops on a stairwell between floors and holds his arms out to either side. "I'm some kind of- of orange rock thing!"

"You are," Isaac agrees with a nod. He shrugs. "We all have some kind of something going on from the storm, Ben. The way I see it, your something just happens to be a little more... physical. Visual."

Ben slowly drops his arms, eyes wide as he stares at him in disbelief. "And that's it?" he asks incredulously. "There's really nothing more to it with you?"

Isaac looks up in thought. "You still gonna get mad at me for drinking orange juice straight outta the bottle?"

Ben snorts. "Yes. You're a grown man. You know how to use a glass."

He shrugs again. "Then, yeah. That's it. Seems to me like nothing's really changed. You're still you, Ben."

Isaac turns and continues on upstairs without another word. It takes a second before he hears heavy footsteps following.

"They checked you for a concussion before you were discharged, right?" Ben asks. "Nothing got knocked loose in that head of yours?"

"Oh, I had a concussion," Isaac confirms. "Nothing too serious though. Why?"

Ben only shakes his head with a smile.

Isaac glances down at his arms as they reach the right floor. "Speaking of possible medical concerns, do you think I should tell Reed the cuts on my arms are kinda green?" he asks casually.

"Kinda...? Yes!" Ben exclaims. "Yes, Isaac. That's something you should probably tell him."

"Yeah. I thought so too," Isaac says with a nod. He pulls the door open and lets Ben walk out first. "I'll tell him when it's my turn for lab tests."

"Tell me what?" Reed asks, turning from his conversation with Susan and Johnny at the sound of the door.

"You'll find out when we do the tests," Isaac tells him simply. He holds up the package still in his hand and gestures vaguely across the room with the other. "I'll be in the greenhouse. Let me know when it's my turn."

Reed awkwardly clears his throat. "Ah, actually, Isaac, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind showing Johnny to the room he'll be using?"

Silence fills the room as Isaac, who had already turned to go close himself in his precious greenhouse, slowly turns on his heel to level the scientist with a flat, unamused look.

"Why?" he asks slowly, already fairly sure what the reason is.

"Well, it's just that, you know, the room across from yours happens to be empty so..."

Isaac's dismayed groan is nearly drowned out by Ben's snickers and Johnny's exaggerated gasp.

"Yes!" Johnny cheers. He grins over at Isaac. "Well? You gonna show me the way?"

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