Chapter 2

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When the day comes for their mission to begin, the three of them find themselves standing outside the launch facility. The facility itself is located beside a lake and a pair of binoculars is enough for them to see the entry road on the other side.

Isaac lowers his binoculars with a quiet hum, eyebrows raised at the two idiots driving up.

He has vague memories of Johnny Storm, mainly in the capacity of him being Sue's younger brother. Now they're all adults, a few years really isn't much at all. It was different when they were in college and Johnny was still in high school.

Isaac can remember trading small talk with the blond once in a while. He can remember Sue complaining about the trouble he would get himself into. He can't say the two of them were ever really friends.

Between boot camp, earning his degrees (on the military's dime, of course), and eventually shipping out for the first of three deployments, there was no time for any sort of friendship to form.

Seeing as Johnny is currently driving his motorcycle close enough to a convertible he can make out with the woman driving it, he can't say he sees much of a friendship forming between them now either.

It is a nice bike though. He'll admit that much.

Ben lowers his own binoculars with a frown. "Can't do it," he declares. "Can not do it."

"External SRBs, orbital system engines," Reed starts to list, oblivious to Ben's real meaning. "It's just like the shuttles you flew-"

"No," Ben interrupts. "I cannot take orders from the underwear model."

"Come on now, Ben."

"That wingnut washed out of NASA for sneaking two Victoria's Secret wannabes into a flight simulator."

Isaac shakes his head but can't help a smirk. "Dumbass," he mutters.

"Youthful high spirits," Reed tries to excuse.

"They crashed it into a wall. A flight simulator," Ben emphasizes.

Reed turns to Isaac for help only to be met with both his hands held up in surrender.

"Don't look at me," Isaac tells him. "I'm still trying to figure out how he managed to crash a simulator."

Ben gestures at him with one hand in a 'See? He gets it.' way while Reed only sighs.

"Thank you, Isaac," he says flatly. "Helpful as always."

"Anytime, man."

Reed sighs again and focuses on Ben. "When have I ever asked you to do something you said you absolutely could not do?"

Ben holds up one hand, fingers splayed. "Five times."

Reed frowns slightly as Ben turns to walk away. "I had it at four."

"Well, this makes five!" he calls back.

Isaac shrugs when Reed looks at him next. "I'm not keeping count or anything, but you do owe me."

"Name it," Reed agrees.

"Hoya Carnosa Compacta."

Reed blinks at him. "I'm going to assume that's some sort of plant?" he guesses.

Isaac nods. "Sure is. It's the plant you're gonna get for me."

Reed nods back. "Fair enough. I'll see about it when we get back."

Satisfied, Isaac turns and leads the way to the launch facility itself. They'll be leaving soon so it's best they go ahead and get ready.

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