Chapter 5

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Traffic in New York isn't uncommon. Isaac knows this as well as anyone else who lives in the city.

Knowing doesn't make him feel any better when the taxi they're in has to stop because of some sort of accident ahead on the bridge.

He's already uncomfortable as is being stuck in the car. He's better off than the other three who are squished together in the back, but there's too many people in the car and there are too many cars around them filled with people and...

Needless to say, he's relieved when they make the unanimous decision to step out of the taxi and see what's going on.

Isaac takes a deep breath and tries to ignore all the other people stepping out of the vehicles around them, not noticing the concerned look Johnny gives him.

"What's going on?" Reed mutters. He knows they don't have time for this because they need to find Ben as soon as possible.

Johnny shrugs. "It's New York, man. Who knows?"

"Let's go find out," Susan says, already leading the way.

"Great," Isaac mutters as the other two immediately follow her. "Let's get closer to the crowd of people. Why not?"

Unfortunately, he doesn't really have much of a choice.

Everyone stuck seems to have the same idea and they quickly find themselves unable to move any farther forward as the crowd of unhappy New Yorkers hits a police barrier.

"What do we do now?" Susan asks.

Reed shakes his head. "We're not gonna get past these guys." He pauses as a thought hits him and turns to look at her. "But you could."

Isaac, hands clenched as he tries not to flinch at all the people around him, frowns when he realizes what he means. "Reed, that's not gonna work. Her clothes don't disappear."

Sure enough, Susan vanishes from view, but her clothing remains where it is as if held up by wires.

"He's right," Reed says. He looks at the invisible woman. "Sue, your clothes. Lose them."

"Reed!" Isaac snaps, momentarily forgetting his own discomfort. "You can't ask her to strip down in front of all these people."

"Thank you, Isaac," Susan's disembodied voice says, "but it's okay."

She starts to strip, slipping off her jacket and unbuttoning her shirt without a care because she knows no one can actually see her.

"This is so wrong," Johnny says under his breath, turning away so he doesn't have to watch.

Shocked murmurs come from the crowd around them as they realize what's happening. Naturally, this means they're all watching when Susan flickers back into view wearing nothing but her underwear.

Johnny, who had just started to turn back around, squeezes his eyes shut and turns back. "Ah, geez!"

Isaac immediately pulls off his leather jacket and wraps it around her. "Look away or lose your eyes!" he snaps at the surrounding crowd, glare dark enough some people actually listen.

Reed is entirely unhelpful as he seemingly can't take his eyes off Susan. "Wow. You've been working out."

She scowls at him and pulls Isaac's jacket tighter around her. "Shut up! Anymore great ideas?" she demands. "Why don't you strip down and have a hundred people stare at you!"

The more distressed she becomes, the more her form starts to flicker until she's entirely invisible again.

"Sue," Reed says with a pointed look.

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