Chapter One - The Golden Egg

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The morning was staying the same as always. The birds' chirps were heard outside of the prison cell. The guards were patrolling the corridors. Water kept dripping from the ceiling, it echoed throughout the cell block. One particular sound out of all of those, is the sound of a little pebble being tossed into a wall over and over again, by the one and only Renee Frodgers.

Renee kept throwing the rock towards her cell wall out of boredom as she was lying on her prison bed, reflecting on the cause of her being present behind bars. Hopadiah Plantar.

It was almost two months after that old farmer frog ruined Renee's moving business as a caravan theater director, and technically, a thief disguised as a caravan theater director. She couldn't take her mind off of him just once. Her only goal if she miraculously exits the wretched place that she was put in, was to hunt down Hopadiah Plantar, and teach him a 'lesson'. 

Renee threw the pebble precisely at a drawing of Hopadiah's face on the wall, badly drawn in chalk. She aimed directly at the drawing, successfully hitting the target multiple times. Until at the last throw, Renee violently threw the pebble against the wall, creating a microscopic dust cloud during the impact.

The throw also slipped the pebble away from the perfect angle towards Renee's hand, it landed on the other side of the cell. She looked at where the pebble was, and sighed in annoyance at the fact that she needed to get up from her bed.

Renee got up, and walked to the pebble. As she picked it up, she felt a faint rumble occurring beneath her feet. She concentrated on the occurrence, but after a few seconds she felt nothing. Renee shrugged it off. After another second, she felt the rumble again, a lot more stronger this time.

At this point, the rumbling was so strong Renee didn't have to concentrate on it anymore since it's so distracting. The sound of water dripping earlier picked up a faster pace.

"Hm?" Renee hummed, looking up at the ceiling as dust started to exit the ceiling's cracks.

Renee soon heard sirens and alarms blaring throughout the prison, mixed with guards shouting and screaming. She saw armed guards running across outside her cell door, as well as some other prison inmates who either are panicking from the situation, or are taking the chance to start a prison riot and escape.

"Hey! What's going on out there?!-" Renee shouted, holding against the cell bars.

Her question was interrupted when a sudden explosion destroyed a wall out of Renee's view, sending chunks flying in front of her cell. Guards came running at something Renee can't see, but something she can hear. Whatever it was, it sounded humongous. Robotic whirring was also heard out of her view.

The guards charged at whatever was attacking the prison, but they failed to subdue it as Renee saw them being thrown across in front of her cell. She saw the guards lying on the ground weakly, as the unknown figure approached Renee's cell. She couldn't do anything besides stand and watch until the figure revealed itself.

Finally, whatever was attacking the prison walked slowly in front of the bars that kept Renee captive. It was a large robotic frog with a big torso painted in black and gray, with silver paint job in certain areas. Its eyes were glowing red and the most notable part about the robotic figure is that its right arm holds some sort of plasma-based weapon. Unknown to Renee, the robot is known by the name of "Frobot".

The Frobot then turned its head slowly to Renee. Intimidated, she backed away from the door. Suddenly, a guard grabbed the Frobot by the neck as they attempted to chokehold it. The two figures struggled, the Frobot spun its body around trying to get the guard to lose their grip. The two's struggle resulted in bashing Renee's door lock open, they clashed until they both broke the railing next to them, sending them falling into the floor below the previous one.

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