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song : I Love You Too by Peter McPoland

3rd Person POV

Matt looked through the glass feeling like a creep, but knew it was too late now.

He knocked again after she didn't make any movement.

He about gave up when she slowly turned over looking at him petrified. He did feel kind of bad, but he didn't mean it.

She looked at him with a mix of many emotions on her face. She got up opening the window.

"What are you doing here?!" She asked.

"I need to talk to you." He said.

"It's midnight!" She said. "Did someone die?"

"No, no one died. Although I might die of frostbite out here." He said. She backed away so he could get in. The moment he was steady she slapped him.

"What was that for!?" He said.

"You gave me a heart attack! I thought I was dead meat." She said.

"Oh." He said. "Sorry."

"Mhm." She said sitting down on her bed. "What do you need to talk about?"

He looked at her debating whether this was the right idea. He didn't think about how to get to the point of actually telling her.

"Matt?" She asked.

"Uh..." he said trailing off.

"Sit down." She said.

"Hold on." He said looking like a million thoughts were going through his head.

"You know how I've been out of it?" He finally got out. 

"Yeah." Brooke responded concerned about what was wrong with him.

"I uh, I've been trying to figure something out." He said. She looked at him as a go on. "I have been going over everything kind of making myself sick with it."

"About what?" She asked as he came to a quiet moment.

"I, I really don't know if I've thought this through." He said aloud starting to worry himself again.

"Matt, what is wrong?" She asked standing up. She grabbed his arm pulling him to sit on her bed. "Calm down. Whatever it is, you will be alright."

He looked at her taking in what he was about to do. She was everything he wanted, everything he needed. Her not liking him back could be the difference between loosing everything they had or make them get closer and not just acting like 'pigeons' as Nick says.

She grabbed his hand watching him look more and more stressed. When she touched him, he mostly snapped out of it and looked up and her. He rubbed his thumb on the back of her hand looking at her.

"...i like you." He said almost as a whisper. She looked at him trying to make sure she didn't imagine that.

"You...like me?" She asked looking at him.

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