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The idea for the kegger came from Kiara. You and the other pogues thought it was a great idea. You all wanted to let loose and be care free. Not only did you want to go and party but you wanted to go with your boyfriend.

The others have yet to discover your secret relationship with JJ. What? Tell them that both you pogues started mackin on each other. No way. You told JJ that you weren't a rule breaker. He of course smirked and replied that he in fact was a rule breaker, tossing you a wink.

As hard as it was not to act like a couple in front of everyone, you got to explore your relationship without any input or judgment from the rest of the group. You enjoyed the hushed whispers and the wondering off from the group, the stolen kisses and hugs that lasted a little too long.

The boneyard was littered with sweaty bodies and red solo cups clasped in peoples hands.
The group of you were spread out each socializing with the tourons.

You stood there gulping down your third beer and you would be lying if you said you weren't getting tipsy.

"John B! John B! Pour me another would ya." you shouted. A little too loud as heads started to turn your way.

You outstretched your cup patiently waiting for another refill.

"How much have you had missy?" John B raised a brow at you.

"Don't act all authority figure on me now John B." you teased.

John B reluctantly filled your red solo cup yet again up to the top.

"Pleasure doing business with you sir." You saluted him.

You downed your cup in about 10 seconds. You wanted another and nobody was stopping you. You took the spout and refilled your own cup.

Then you stomped your way around the beach and stood next to a branch drinking your drink.

The alcohol started to enter your veins. You felt way more than tipsy as you had your fifth drink under your belt.

Your mind was clouded as you stumbled down the beach.

"I love this song!" you announced as you made it to the dance floor.

You started singing obnoxiously. As well as dancing and throwing your hands in the air.
You were having a blast as you wildly moved your body to the song that was playing.

It was pure euphoria as you swayed your hips and closed your eyes as you mimicked air guitar.

After your instrument duties, playing a mean air guitar you took off your shoe and used it as a microphone. You sang along loudly to the song playing.

After a while you grew tired and the song ended. As you stood there an idea came to you. You needed another drink.

As you stumbled drunkenly across the boneyard you ran into JJ.

"Hey pretty girl, I've been looking all over for you." He stated.

When JJ saw you he thought you looked beautiful. He wanted to kiss you so badly, but the would definitely blow his cover, so he refrained.

"I'm um on my way to get another drink." You mumbled.

"I'll go with you." JJ suggested.

The two of you made your way to the keg. JJ took your empty cup and filled yours up for you as well as his cup.

He snuck a arm around your waist and whispered in your ear, "Come hang out with me I miss you."

You simply nodded your head at him and lifted your cup before taking a sip, "Let's go."

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