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"No. No way. Not happening. You're not going in there."

"JJ... who else is gonna do it? We have to get the gun somehow," you countered.

"I don't want you going in there y/n, I mean it." JJ crossed his arms.

"What's the worse that can happen? I get a little dirty?"

"Just promise me you'll be careful," JJ pleaded slowly giving into letting you do this.

"I will I promise thank you!"

"She'll be fine," Pope chimed in.

"Yeah I'll be fine," you gave JJ a reassuring smile.

JJ gave Pope an uneasy look but then nodded his head towards you.

With JJ's reluctant approval your made your way to crawl into the sewer. It was muddy and wet and full of trash.

You crawled your way through the tunnel trying to hold back your gag. It was dark and dirty but you volunteered to do it so you couldn't really complain.

JJ was worried, he started biting his nails. He didn't know what he would do if something happened to you.

"I don't see anything yet," you called out.

"It's probably at the bottom of the catch basin," Pope shouted.

"Ugh," you cringed as your shook the muddy water off your hands.

"Gun gun looking for a gun," you murmured to yourself.

"Guys, I think I found something."
you voiced.

"You guys, there's something dead in here!" you shouted.

Your screamed and then yelled, "Oh my god! There's something dead. I repeat...".

"... there is something dead in here!"

Meanwhile Rafe and Barry were up top by the drain.

"Well, they're in the sewer," Rafe commented.

"Flush them out," Rafe continued.

Barry scoffs, "you flush that pipe, you gonna kill the rat."


"The last thing you need is more dead bodies showing up around this bitch," Barry warned.

"You realize what you're doing if you do that?" Barry hissed.

"I mean if you wanna be a pussy, you can leave," Rafe argued.

"Do you not realize what you are doing, bruh?" Barry looked Rafe in the eyes.

"Get the hell out of the way," Rafe ordered.

"All right, then. All right, then, tough guy," Barry backed down.

"You don't wanna be here for this, go find the truck, okay?" Rafe instructed.

Rafe started turning the wheel that let the water out.

Pope spoke to JJ asking, "Do you hear that?"

"What?" JJ responded.

"Listen." Pope put out.

You were down in the drain when you herd the sloshing of water.

"Oh shit!"

"Guys? Guys the water!" you yelled.

"Shit! Oh my god! Y/N get out of there now," JJ shouted.

"I don't have time! JJ!" you screamed.

"This can't be happening. Why did I let her go in there?" JJ talked in a panic.

JJ chest was tight and his heart was racing. He was so worried about you he didn't know what to do with himself. He was panicking.

The water was coming in fast and you were screaming for help. A flood of water came out from the gated hole where JJ and Pope were standing.

"Maybe there's a manhole!" JJ shouted.

"Y/N!" Both JJ and Pope called out.

"Go go go go go!"

They started running to the manhole, screaming your name. It took everything in JJ not to faint. Allowing you to drown would be extremely traumatic. He couldn't, he wouldn't. He had to save you, there was no other option. A world without his girl is a world he wouldn't want to live in.

You started climbing the ladder desperately trying to stay above the water. Eventually you reached the top and you stuck your fingers through the slits of the manhole.

"JJ! JJ! Pope! Help! Please i'm over here!" you shouted.

JJ and Pope ran as fast as they could. They finally reached the manhole and were breathing heavy.

"Pull! Pull it!" you said with urgency.

JJ and Pope both grunted as they pulled up on the manhole.

"Hurry! Hurry!"

JJ and Pope continued to pull it.

"JJ! JJ! Please! Please!"

"We are gonna get you out of there I promise baby," JJ spoke.

The water was rising fast and it soon came up past the drain. JJ and Pope were pulling with all their strength. You were starting to think you were gonna drown. But then by some miracle the drain lid lifted up and fell down in front of the hole, as you emerged into the fresh air.

You collapsed on your hands and knees coughing up a storm.

"I for sure thought I was a goner for a second there," you coughed.

"You made it baby," JJ praised.

" Y/N, You good?" Pope and JJ both questioned at the same time.

"Yeah I'm fine," you cleared your throat.

"This wasn't what we needed was it?,"
you held up the gun from being stuck in your waistband.

"Holy shit you did it!" JJ cheered.

"Oh my god! Way to go," Pope exclaimed.

JJ was so proud of you. His heart was so happy that you made it out safely.

The three of you embraced in a group hug and went to take the gun to Shoupe.


When the day turned into the evening, you were at heyward's seafood using the outside shower. JJ was sitting on the bench waiting for you to come out.

You were showering away all the sewage. You felt grateful to be getting clean. You sighed finishing up your shower. You outstretched your hand for a towel which JJ gladly gave you.

The air was crisp and chilly and you felt the wind on your wet hair. You dried off and got changed. When you emerged from the shower stall JJ was smiling at you.

The two of you decided to sit on a nearby table.

"Ya know you really scared the shit out of me today," JJ started.

"Yeah i know i'm sorry."

"It's not your fault baby," JJ soothed.

You gave JJ one of your signature smiles and his heart just about stopped. You enjoyed these moments with JJ. Where it was just the two of you and you enjoyed being together.

JJ was your person and without him you'd be lost. You think maybe if it weren't for JJ you wouldn't of got out of the drain. So you were eternally grateful.

"Thank you for saving me J," you whispered.

"ah it was nothing. I'd do anything for you, you know that right?"

"Yeah i do," you smiled.

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