Chapter 3

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It's been five days since our trip to Hogsmeade. Harry hasn't texted me at all. I'd wake up in the morning and check if he had texted. Nope. Every morning, there was nothing. Last thing we had texted about was the break. He even ignores me during class. He's been hanging out with Ginny a lot too, but I did want for him to find new friends so that's good.

The quidditch game against Gryffindor and Slytherin was today. Rumor has it, which ever house wins has to throw the biggest party for the other house. Weird I know. Not sure why it isn't loser has to throw the party but I stopped asking questions about Hogwarts a long time ago.

Maybe I should text him..

Fuck it, "Hey. Good luck at tonight's match!"

A few seconds later my phone buzzed. "Thanks."

Really? All I got was a fucking "Thanks." He didn't even bother to ask if I would be there? Whatever.

I walked into the common room. Blaise and Pansy were sitting on the couches.

"Her girl." Pansy said.

"Hey." I threw my self on the couch next to her.

"Rough day?" She asked.

"No, Harry is just being a dick right now." I answered.

"Told you." Tucker said as he, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Marcus walked down the stairs.

They were in their uniforms. I couldn't take my eyes off Draco.

"Yeah yeah, I know, he's the worst, I'm stupid, and your always right." I laughed.

"Should have listened sis." Tucker said.

"Yeah I should have." I sighed.

"We've got to go man." Draco said.

"Right, see y'all out there?" Tucker asked.

"Obviously bro." Blaise said.

The team left. "I'm gonna go change."

I left. As soon as my door shut, I fell to the ground and curled up. Why did I feel that way when Draco came down? Recently all these strong feelings for him started to develop. I've never felt this way. And I'm sure Draco hasn't either. After all, he used to bully me along with Tucker. Fuck why do I feel like this. Any time Draco walks into the room or I hear his voice my heart instantly drops.

What am I even thinking! I'm dating Harry Potter. I can't be thinking like that. I'm not a cheater. Shit. The match starts in ten minutes.

I rushed to change out of my robe and threw on some more comfortable clothing, then put my outer layer of my robe back on. Then ran back downstairs.

"We were about to leave without you." Pansy said as they were getting up.

"Yeah my bad, I lost track of time." I answered as I caught up to them.

We walked out of the castle and out to the quidditch pitch. Took our seats near some other Slytherin students.

The Gryffindor team was the first to fly out. They did a couple of laps and waved to the crowd.

"Today we have the Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch match!" Lee Jordan yelled into the mic, "In front of you is Jimmy Peakes, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Katie Bell, Ritchie Coote and Demelza Robins."

The Gryffindor house uproared in cheers and claps. Then, as per usual, the Slytherin team bursted out of their area. They flew everywhere and faster, than flew right behind the Gryffindor team, almost knocking them down. Draco's father had bought the whole team "The Firebolt". The fastest broom known to our world.

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