[5] They Sleep Again

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm so sorry for not uploading. I was busy and thank you for all the views and support I love you guys so much and I cannot thank you enough. Now, I hope you enjoy. Have fun! :)

In The Morning:

"Joshua," She tapped him, lightly.

"Hmph?" He groaned. He rubbed his eyes and focused his surroundings. His first instinct was to look up at the clock but something was infront of him. Olivia. He grabbed her waist and kissed her on the lips before getting out of his bed and putting his slippers on.

"Come here," He said.

"No, Josh!" She said. They kissed.

He got up from his bed and stretched his arms. He sat on his bed for a bit and smiled.

"Hey, you've been quiet for uhm, a bit. Is everything, okay?"

"Hmm? Yeah, Liv, everything's okay. But, uh, yeah th-thank you, though. For asking."

"Yeah, no, uh, no worries."

He then stood up and slipped his cold feet into his slippers.

"Seriously, Josh?"

He scoffed but laughed. "What?" 

"Pink, FLUFFY, bunny slippers? What the heck, Josh!" She started to laugh and fell back on the bed.

"What? They looked, nice, so I got them! What's up with that?" He presented himself with his hands.

"They just look funny!"

"Oh, no you're just jealous that mine are pink and cute!"

"Ugh, no. Don't ever call something cute." She said, giggling.

"Again, with the jealousy! I called it cute and you got jealous!"

"Okay, stop. I'm going to go brush my teeth and I'll see you downstairs."

"But I need to brush my teeth too!"

"Well come on then," She signalled to the bathroom and he followed.

He locked the door while she grabbed one of the spare brushes he had. He got the tooth paste and squirted some for him and her. She stood, in front of the mirror with a tall brown eyed boy behind her, holding on to her waist as she smiled. They rinsed their mouths and went downstairs. She got some pots and pans while he prepared everything. Once it was all ready, they sat down together and ate. 

"Mm! Liv, you should consider cooking! I mean, you're amazing!"

"Oh, thank you,"

"No, really. Hey, wait you got something, there." He reached over to wipe it off. He then put the sauce from her upper lip into his mouth and licked it. 

"Josh! No, that's not very good!" She said.

"What? It's just from your mouth!" He said, with a mouthful of food.

"Oh, god! You're such a child."

"Maybe, I am." He said, picking up his fork.

They chat and laughed until they had nothing left on their plates. They went to sit down and they watched their favourite shows and movies. Olivia rested on Joshua while he played with her hair. He had one had, caressing her and the other hand on his phone. He suddenly moved and Olivia jumped.

"Hey, Liv. Look," He showed her his phone.

"What?" She took the phone out of his hand in confusion. Then, she looked up at him and he looked down at her.

WHAT IF? ✔️━━━ Jolivia AUWhere stories live. Discover now