Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I just got taken down by a four year old. I took her out for lunch and I also took the rest of the day off. Soraya is a handful. She wanted to learn ballet. I told her she was too young but we actually found a class for her to take.

The DNA results came back and she was indeed my daughter. Emma came with me when I took Soraya to join the ballet class.

"Sir, we are full and can't simply take on another ballerina at the moment." The lady told me and Soraya began to cry.

"How about I make a huge donation to the studio?

"You want to make a donation, well why not donate your time, Mr. Rodriguez?" She asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I mean if you volunteer then we will squeeze your daughter in." She told me.

"I am a very busy man and I don't have the time." I told her.

"Well Mr. Rodriguez, it is good to spend time with your daughter." She told me.

"Can't my other daughter volunteer?" I asked her.

"Oh dad, I am not interested." Emma told me.

"Oh daddy! Please!" Soraya made puppy eyes at me.

I told them fine. What I didn't know is that by volunteering that would mean participating also. Let me tell you ballerinas don't have it easy. I was so tired from the practices. It came the night of the show. I peeked at the audience and my family was there along with the Andersons sisters but I didn't see Adriana. It was time to get on stage and when I did, I could see Lucas was laughing but my little girl was happy. The only girl that orders a man around, no matter how badass you are, is your daughter. If she's said you're a ballerina, you have to believe you're a ballerina. After the most humiliating thing in my family, we finally went backstage.

When Soraya starts yelling for mommy. She ran towards Adriana and hugged her. I followed behind her.

"You're her mother?" I asked her.

"Yes!" She told me.

"How could you not tell me after all these years, we had a daughter?" I asked her.

"I didn't know she was yours." She responded.

"To hell with that nonsense." I told her but Adriana ignored me.

"Come on Soraya, let's go home." She told our daughter.

"To hell she won't. Soraya stays with me." I told her.

"Like the hell she will. You may be her father but I am her mother." She told me.

"I am going to drag your ass to court and ensure you don't get custody of her." I told Adriana, whispering in her ear. She told Soraya and left.

I went home and started drinking. The doorbell rang and I yelled for Emma to get it but she didn't. I finally had enough and I went to see who it was.

"What are you doing here, Lucas?" I asked him.

"Ava, threw me out, I left the house without my wallet or anything." He told me.

"So what does that have to do with me?" I asked him.

"A lot actually because I backed your ass up." He told me.

"Thank you!" I told him.

"You can thank me by letting me crash at your place." He told me. As I was about to let Lucas in I saw Elijah coming out of Adriana place with a bag.

"Like you get thrown out too?" I asked him.

"No. Unlike the two of you I am not an idiot. He told us and left.

Lucas told me to just drop it and we got into the penthouse. Lucas and I began to drink.

"You know that bitch, kept my daughter away for four years. Lucas, four fucking years I missed of her life." I told him but he didn't answer, instead he went to the door.

It was Martinez and he came over to look for me after he couldn't get on to me. He had booked an appointment with a top lawyer as I requested but couldn't get on to me because I broke my phone. Martinez asked what was wrong with Lucas and me and we told him. He just told us we are idiot's.

"Ava is crazy as hell and you had the balls to tell her she's wrong. What with your ass. You never tell your wife she's wrong even if she's wrong. Rule number one in marriage, the wife is always right even if she is dead wrong she is right." He told Lucas and I started laughing.

"Why the hell are you laughing?" Martinez asked me.

"Last I checked I am still your boss." I told him.

"The last I checked, I am not working right now. You're a fucking idiot. The woman didn't have to tell you she had a child but she did and sent the child to spend the month with you. You could have asked her to work something out. After all that she went through to help your ass." He told me.

"But that doesn't make up for hiding my child from me." I hit back at him.

"But you drugged her and kidnapped her and held her captive and if I was her, I won't ever dare, ever tell you about the child. Better yet I would have made up a story where your ass is hell so when the child is grown, she won't be looking for you." He fired back at me but left before I could respond.

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