Chapter Thirty

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Third Person POV

There was a knock on the door, Adriana went to the door and there was a man standing there.

"Adriana Anderson?" The man asked her.

"Yes! How can I help you?" She asked the stranger.

"You've been served!" He told her while handing her an envelope. Adriana was confused as she opened the envelope.

"What's wrong, darling?" Liam came up from behind her and asked.

"He is filing for full custody for Soraya." She told him as he looked at Soraya. Liam took the letter out of her and read it.

"We are going to fight this, my love!" He told her as he hugged her.

Adriana tried not to worry about it and called Adrielle and told her. Adrielle told her not to worry. Adrielle reassured Adriana that he would not get full custody of Soraya.

The court day came, Rob and his team of lawyers were there, waiting outside the courthouse when Adriana, Liam, Adrielle and Soraya arrived. When Soraya spotted Rob as she got out of the car, she ran towards him and hugged him. Adriana, Liam and Adrielle followed Soraya and walked up to Rob. Adrielle told Soraya to let go, that she will spend time with her father later.

In the courtroom, while they were waiting for the judge to arrive, Rob glanced over to Adriana's side but didn't see a lawyer. He thought to himself that she was going to be toast. The judge entered the room and they all raised and sat when the judge instructed them to.

"This is custody battles for Soraya Anderson. Mr. Rodriguez lawyers can present their statement openly." The judge says.

"Your honour, our case here is very simple. Ms. Anderson kept my client's daughter from him for four year. Her actions caused my client to miss four years of her life. He missed her first words, steps and even her first tooth. Because of Ms. Anderson selfish motives, Mr. Rodriguez, miss out on four years of his life, we are asking for the court to give Mr. Rodriguez full custody of Soraya Anderson, as we believe Ms. Anderson will not let Mr. Rodriguez around their daughter." Rob's lawyer told the court.

"Ms. Anderson's lawyer can present their opening statement." The judge announced.

"Your honour, we have a case where a simple discussion between two people could have prevented this event here today. But Mr. Rodriguez did not approach my client. I agreed that he did missed four years of his daughter life and no parents should go through that but my client did not know Mr. Rodriguez is the father of her child. When my client found out, she sent her daughter to spend a month with Mr. Rodriguez. My client for the past years always thought Mr. Hemsworth was the father of her daughter. She went on believing that until Mr. Hemsworth took Soraya and did a DNA test which proved he was not the father. Your honour, we are asking the court to share custody of Soraya." Adrielle told the court.

"Mrs. Gray can proceed." The judge said.

"Your honour, we would like to call Mr. Rodriguez on the stand." The lawyer told the judge and the judge allowed them to proceed.

"Mr. Rodriguez, can you tell the court how you found out that Soraya is your daughter?" His lawyer asked him.

"The little girl came knocking on my door about a month ago, calling me daddy. She handed me a letter which was from her mother. The letter stated that I was her daughter." Rob told the court.

"What did you do after that?" The lawyer asked Rob.

"My brother advised me to take her to do a DNA test to make sure that she's my daughter." Rob responded to the lawyer.

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