- three -

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Goodbye was playing as Billie, back on the stage, waved and blew kisses to everyone around the arena.

Once again, I was crying. God why do I always cry? I'm happy, not sad.

Billie sweetly blew one final kiss and walked offstage and out of view. The lights returned to normal and people began to stand up, ready to leave. 

That was incredible.

I turned to my parents as they both stared back at me, laughing at the fact I'm crying. I hugged them both and thanked them for the tickets. 

We stood there for a few minutes as people filtered out the doors. 

There was no rush to leave. I certainly needed a moment to process what had just happened. 

Billie looked me in the eye and now has my phone number.

Wait. Why am I getting so excited about that? She won't message me. She's way out of my league.

Quickly brushing that thought aside, I lead my parents towards the exit but it was packed - people were queued to get out of the door and were barely moving.

Luckily, I'd been here before a couple of years ago so I knew another way out, which hopefully isn't as busy. I mean it's a tiny door so I doubt anybody is there.

We walked down some stairs and through a couple of corridors before finally, the door was in view and nobody was nearby.

At this point, I was deep in conversation with my parents about what just happened. 

When I say conversation, I mean I am just telling them everything all over again because of how brilliant it was and - 

"Y/N WATCH OUT" yells my Dad.

I abruptly crash into someone and they drop everything in their hands.

"Shit, I am so sorry!" I exclaim, immediately beginning to collect the person's belongings off of the floor.

"It's alright mamas, don't worry about it" she replies in a sweet tone.

I freeze, simply staring at the floor with her stuff in my hands.

I could recognise that voice anywhere.


Bright red, I turn my face to her and just stare into her eyes, again.

I couldn't move. 

It must have been two seconds, but it felt like a lifetime before she gently held my arms and lifted me back up with a grin on her face.

"You alright?" she asks with a laugh.

"Um... yeah I... I'm all good." I respond, still in awe that I'm standing in front of her, with her stuff in my hands. "I'm so sorry."

"It's all good my love. Wait, aren't you the one who gave me that letter?" she asks with a hand still on my arm.

"Wait you have it?" I questioned, surprised she hadn't just left it or put it in a bin.

Billie tapped my hand and I looked down to see it laying on top of the rest of her stuff that I was holding.

I smiled at the thought she cared and passed her belongings back to her.

She took her stuff and passed them to Maggie, her mum, before leaning in with open arms for a hug.

Butterflies filled my stomach as I just held her tightly for a moment, my arms wrapped around her, her hand holding the back of my neck.

As she pulled away, she stopped and just stared at me, our eyes sharing each other's glance.

She smiled once again and thanked me for picking up her stuff before walking out of the door with her family.

Holy shit. What just happened?

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