- thirteen -

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(the next morning)

I wake up to the balcony door wide open. Neither of us had bothered to close it last night, we were a little preoccupied.

Billie's fast asleep, cutely wrapped up in the duvet, her hair draped across her face.

I tenderly move each strand, tucking them neatly behind her ear and revealing her full face. She's so gorgeous.

Last night was incredible. To think, 4 days ago we'd never met and now I'm lying next to her in bed.

I just laid beside her for another couple of minutes, admiring her pretty little face as she slept. Her jawline, her cheek bones, her lips, every aspect of her face. She's so beautiful. She's so perfect.

After a little while, I carefully rolled out of the bed so as not to wake her, moving the duvet once I was out ensuring she was comfortably tucked in.

I quietly walked into the bathroom, cautiously closing the door behind me. 

I have no toothbrush. Great. 

Luckily Billie had a bottle of mouthwash on the side; I'm sure she won't mind if I borrow a little. It's better than having to deal with bed breath.

I took a reserved mouthful and swished it around for a little, just until I was satisfied my breath wouldn't smell before spitting it out into the sink and rinsing it away. I splashed some water on my face to freshen it up. 

I guess that'll have to do for today's morning routine.

I walked back out into the bedroom and tried to navigate to my own clothes that were scattered on the floor amongst Billie's.

I gathered them up and got dressed, laying my hoodie on the bottom of the bed as I didn't feel like putting it on yet. 

I grabbed my phone off of the side where I left it last night and walked out on to the balcony, pulling the door closed once I was outside.

10:54 AM

No New Notifications

I better call my mum, as promised.

I scroll through my contacts until I reach her, dialling her number. I only had to wait a few rings before she picked up.

"Morning Y/n. How are you?" she opens.

"I'm alright Mum. Last night was so good." I say.

Yes it was. Last night was phenomenal.

"Which friend did you end up staying with?" she asks.

"I'm with Jules." I fable, looking at Billie undisturbed in bed.

Jules is a friend from sixth form, we've known each other since Year 7 however, she's definitely not the person I'm with right now.

"Well I'm glad you had a good night Y/n." my mum continues, "You'll have to tell me all about it when you get back. When are you coming back?" she asks.

"Jules is still asleep at the moment so I'll stay until she wakes up. We might go out for the afternoon but I'll keep you updated." I say.

"Okay honey. I'll let you get on. Wake Jules up and go out, have fun!" she suggests, "Throw some cold water over her!" she laughs.

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