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Is this a good idea? Probably not.

I just started my final year of A-Levels and now I'm ditching them to go on tour? A tour that might not even last because Billie just fired her manager.

What the actual fuck am I doing right now?

But, it's for Bil. I don't know why I feel so obliged to go with her. I just can't deal with being away from her. Every single moment we're together is like pure euphoria, she makes me feel like me. She makes me feel safe.

I'm literally taking the biggest risk of my life. I'm chucking my education away to be with her. I could end up regretting this, but I'll regret it more if I don't go.

We'd packed up all of Billie's stuff and driven back to my home. My mum was just dishing up dinner, so we sat down at the table, Billie next to me.

"I hope this is alright Billie. I've never really made vegan food before." my mum said, slightly worried that her food wouldn't be to Billie's liking.

"It looks great, thank you." Billie replied with a smile, "And thanks for letting me stay with Y/n."

"That wasn't ever a question." my dad replied as he sat down opposite. "As long as you two are on good terms, and you treat my little girl right, you're welcome anytime."

Oh my god. My face flushed red in embarrassment. "Dad!" I whined as Billie chuckled next to me.

My mum made sure that everyone had food on their plate before taking her seat. 

"So, what are your plans now?" she asked Billie as she took a sip of wine.

Billie and I simultaneously turned to each other, locking eyes. I took a big gulp as she began.

"I still have the rest of my world tour to finish." she opened as I nervously poked my food with a fork, avoiding all eye contact with my parents.

"Oooooh, that's very exciting." my mum replied, "Are you sure you'll be alright without her?" she asked me with a snigger.

Shit. I was hoping there'd be at least a couple minutes of small talk before I had to break the news.

"Well..." I apprehensively said, keeping my gaze fixed on my plate.

"Well what?" my dad questioned, slightly alarmed.

"I'm kind of going with her." I said under my breath.

"You're what?" my dad asked with an awkward laugh. "We can't hear you if you're speaking to the potatoes on your plate."

"I'm going with her." I said loud enough to be audible, this time turning my head up but still not looking at either of my parents.

I heard their cutlery clash against their plates as they dropped them in surprise. Billie placed a hand under the table and reassuringly rested it on my thigh.

"I don't think that's a good idea." my mum stated, "You just started your final year of sixth form; this is a big year for you."

"I know, but that's not what makes me happy." I replied. "Billie does."

"I appreciate that honey." my mum continued, "But your exams are important, getting qualifications are important for a decent job. How are you going to support yourself without a job?"

That was a very fair point, and one that I hadn't really considered. Realistically, I hadn't considered many of the effects, only that I would be with Billie.

I stuttered a little as I couldn't think of an answer. I don't know what I'm going to do - I hadn't thought that far ahead. 

Maybe, after all, this isn't a good idea.

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