- eighteen -

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Over the next day, Billie had been sending me hotels and flights constantly. My phone was practically glued to my hand. I'd been pestering my parents with all of the details, and made sure they were happy with the choices.

My mum had been packing suitcases all morning. For some reason, it's practically a crime in her head for anyone to pack their own suitcase. 

To be fair, I'd probably forget something, so it's for the best that she does it all.

Billie said that a car would be picking us up at 4pm to take us to the airport, so we still had a couple of hours. 

We're all flying together. All being me, my mum, dad, Billie, her brother and Claudia, and her parents. 

At least the long flight will give my parents time to meet Billie's family, and hopefully get on with them.

I began to pack a carry on bag. If I'm sitting in a plane for hours I need some stuff. At least mum lets me pack this myself.

I tipped my schoolbag upside down and let the barrage of books and paper fall out onto the floor. I can clean that all up when I come back.

Now, what do I want. 

Phone, of course.

Wallet, charger, AirPods. Um...

To be fair, I don't need much.

Passport. That's definitely a good thing to bring. Mustn't forget that. :)

And some sweets. Snacks are essential. But I should get some that Billie can eat too, so vegan and gluten free. Do we even have any vegan food in this house?

I don't think we do. I can just buy some stuff at the airport I guess.

You know what, I don't even need a bag. I can get all of this stuff in my pockets.

I fling the backpack onto the pile of schoolbooks and paper in the corner.

A hoodie would be a good idea.

Oh wait. Where's mine? 

Shit, I think I left it at Billie's hotel the other night. Hopefully she still has it.

Now I'm basically ready and still have a couple of hours to wait, so...

More Netflix it is!

After two more episodes of 'My Name', my mum shouted down the corridor.

"Y/n the cars are here."

Cars? Plural? I thought one would be enough for three people.

I shoved my stuff into my pocket and walked to the front door, as the doorbell rang.

I opened the door and surprisingly, Billie was standing on the other side.

"Hey." she said, pulling me into a hug and slyly giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"You ready?" she asked.

"I am, those guys though? That's another question." I joke, hinting in the direction of my parents.

"Very funny Y/n, we are." my dad says, pulling some suitcases. 

Me and Billie move out of the way so that he can bring them outside, my mum behind him with a single backpack.

"My parents are in that van and, if they don't mind, your parents can join them?" Billie suggests.

"That's fine." my mum says, giving Billie a hug hello as she followed dad to the back of the van.

As they move just far enough away, Billie whispers, "I want you to myself." 

I blush and she continues, "Well, Fin and Claudia are with us but they don't care."

I don't either.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the second van, ushering me inside. I say hello to Finneas and Claudia who took the front seats and then clambered into the back. My hoodie from the other night was laid on the seat.

"You remembered it." I said as Billie took her seat, closing the door behind her.

"Of course I did baby." she said.

I looked cautiously at her, worried about the fact she just called me baby.

Before I could ask if they knew, Finneas and Claudia turned around.

"You guys make a cute couple." Claudia remarked.

I went all shy and stared at my feet. Billie wrapped her arm around me and squeezed.

"Yes we do." she said before giving me another kiss and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

The driver's door of the van opened and a gentleman stuck his head inside.

"We're ready to go."

"Okay then. Let's go." Billie said.

 The other van left the driveway first and we followed. 

I hope my parents get on with Maggie and Patrick. I mean, they're really nice so I don't see why they wouldn't.

Billie put her hand in my pocket and pulled out my phone and AirPods. She stuck one earbud in her ear and handed me the other, waving the phone in front of my face to get it to unlock.

I put the earbud in my ear as she scrolled through my Spotify.

"How does this work?" she says, vacuously trying to navigate through the playlists.

"You don't know how Spotify works?" I laugh.

"I use Apple Music." she replies, giving the phone to me.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Anything." Billie says.

Of course she would say anything.

I go onto a playlist and hit shuffle.

Now playing:

Stargirl Interlude - The Weeknd, Lana Del Ray

Well, Spotify's being a bit forward. Although, I'm thinking the same thing to be fair...

Billie knew the song as she turned and smirked, moving her hand from my shoulder to my thigh and slowly rubbing her fingers up and down.

Oh god.

I looked at Claudia and Finneas in front. Claudia had her head on his shoulder; they were in their own world.

Billie continued with her fingers, except every so often sliding her fingers further up my thigh towards the waist of my jeans.

I bit my lip and placed a hand on her thigh, gripping it.

She let out a quiet giggle and continued, this time unbuttoning my jeans and sliding her hand inside.

I grasped my phone and turned the music up, biting my lip as Billie moved her fingers.

Scratchin' counter tops, I was screamin'

My back arched like a cat

My position couldn't stop, you were hittin'

And I shouldn't cry, but I love it, Starboy

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