- nine -

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She'd already sung most of her set by this point. It was the same as last time, but I still felt that exact euphoria I did when she jumped onto stage a few nights ago.

It was amazing to see how she interacted with all of her fans up close. The smiles and winks she shared, and their faces when she did. It was pure bliss.

The arena went pitch black for a few seconds before Oxytocin began to play and red lights started to flash. Billie stood completely still on the main stage.

As I walked through the opening earlier, some crew guy passed a camera into my hands, telling me that I had to look like a photographer to be stood in front of the barrier.

Do I have any idea what I'm doing? Absolutely not. But if taking a couple photos means I get to be up close to Billie, I'll take the best photos of my life.

I knew she would do her famous catwalk down the thrust as Oxytocin transitioned into COPYCAT, so I made my way down to the end and tried to figure out how this damn camera worked.

Everyone was jumping to the beat with her and singing whilst I was fiddling with every button, pressing each one in hopes something would happen.

I get the idea of it, partially. All I have to do is turn it on; then it's just point and press the button on top, I think. Why couldn't I just pretend to be an amateur photographer with an iPhone?

Finally, after pressing everything, a Canon logo flashed on screen before it came to life. Perfect timing - Billie was just getting ready to walk down towards me.

She stopped singing as the instrumental of COPYCAT started to play in the background, red and white lights illuminating the arena. Everyone screamed.

I held the camera up to my eye looking through the lens, trying to get her in the centre of the frame.

Click. Click. Click.

I think I took a few?

Billie started to slowly, and sexily, walk down the thrust, every so often turning her head to glimpse at me before returning her gaze to the fans.

Once reaching the end, just in front of me, she stopped and placed the microphone down, dropping to her knees.

Once reaching the end, just in front of me, she stopped and placed the microphone down, dropping to her knees

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Holy fucking shit, she's about to do it right in front of me.

I could feel my heart throb in my chest as butterflies, for what must be the tenth time this week, filled my stomach. 

Billie anchored her gaze on me as she rolled onto her chest, slowly bringing her body closer to the stage floor. 

My eyes were fixed. I was paralysed. I couldn't even speak.

The camera slipped out of my hands and tumbled to the floor whilst Billie continued to stare into my eyes, bouncing up and down as she does every show. 

Shit. I have to look like a photographer, I'm supposed to seem like a professional. I shouldn't be gawping at the gorgeous woman in front of me, even though I could do it for the rest of my life.

I quickly scrambled to the floor, clutching the camera and pointing it straight at her.

Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click.

I could see a smirk narrowly emerge on Billie's face, before she stood up and turned around, walking back to the main stage.

Did I get away with that? I hope I did.

She disappeared from the back of the stage and began to run to the other end of the arena, obviously going to get on the crane. 

I turned to see a few people gawping at me and laughing, obviously amused by the fact I dropped the camera. Well, at least I'm entertaining, somewhat.

Whilst Billie was performing bellyache and swooping along the back of the arena, I flicked through some of the photos I'd somehow taken. 

Blurry. She's not even in that one. Blurry. What's that even supposed to be?

God, I'm really not good at this.

I flicked through about 10 before the perfect image appeared.

Completely in focus. It was just her, perfectly in the middle of the frame. Billie was staring directly into the lens, laid down on the stage. 

It was like she was staring into my soul. Now how do I get this on my phone?

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