- twelve -

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I jolt forward in the seat, waking up from the dream.

"You alright?" Billie asks with a sense of apprehension.

I take a moment to look around and readjust. The car was stopped in front of a hotel and a valet was stood waiting to take it.

I turn back to face Billie, an expression of worry visible on her face,

"I'm all good. Just a dream." I reply, my heart still racing.

If only that dream was real. 

"Alright love. Let's go inside." she says, getting out of the car and handing the keys to the valet.

I followed her as she walked through the door into the lobby. The receptionist called from across the room, "Evening Miss O'Connell."

Billie returned a wave and a smile, continuing to walk to the lift.

We both entered as she clicked the button for the 21st floor. This was probably the fanciest hotel I'd ever been in. This was probably the fanciest lift I'd ever been in too.

The doors closed and Billie moved so she was stood in front of me.

"What were you dreaming about?" she asks, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Your mum." I joked.

Of course I'm not going to tell her.

"Speaking of mums, you better text yours." she suggested, "Stay the night." 

Stay the night? I'm definitely not saying no.

"You sure?" I ask.

Billie didn't even answer, she just thrust her hand into my hoodie pocket and took my phone. She swiped up and pointed the screen at my face to unlock it. 

I wasn't really interested in trying to get it back. We all know how that turned out last time.

"At least make it sound like me." I mention, watching as she scrolled through my contacts, clicking on my mum.


I'm going to stay with a friend in a hotel. 

Goodnight, love you. ❤️

That'll do I guess. Oh wait, she's typing.


What hotel? Be safe. Ring me in the morning. x


*pin dropped*

I will. 

Billie turns the phone off and places it back in my pocket.

"There you are, sorted." she says, proud of herself.

The lift stops and the door opens. She leads me out of the lift and down to the end of the corridor. 

She grabs her keycard and opens the door, holding it for me to enter.

"Ladies first." she says.

" she says

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It's cosy. It's nice to see someone who has a shit ton of money, yet still lives normally.

I put my phone and wallet on the side as Billie walked out onto the balcony, leaning against the railing. I followed and stood next to her, observing the city below.

It was London, so as usual it was cold. She still had my hoodie on, but I'm not going to ask for it back. Hopefully we aren't out here for too long.

"So, tell me, what were you actually dreaming about?" she questions again as we stared out into the night.

"I already told you, your mum." I say.

"Y/n, don't bullshit me!" she whines, "I want to know."

I chuckle and rest my arms on the balcony, beginning to slightly shiver as the cold breeze brushed against my body.

"You were blushing in your sleep so I wanna know who the lucky girl was." she continues.


I turned to face Billie. I blush in my sleep? Is that even possible?

"It's obvious it was about a girl, so tell me!" she persists, smiling.

She sounds like a whiney, nosey child, begging their parents for a bag of sweets or something.

"I don't know how many times I have to say this. I was dreaming about your mum." I jest again.

There's a zero chance I'm going to tell her. I'd be out that door if she knew I was dreaming about her. 

Billie just chuckles again, but still mischievously. She's definitely not telling me something.

"You cold?" she asks, moving behind me and wrapping her arms around my torso.

"Just a little." I lie. I'm actually feeling pretty fucking freezing out here, but she doesn't need to know that. As much as it's cold, it's pretty looking at all the lights.

We stand there for a few minutes in silence, her warm body gently pressed against mine. We watched and listened to the hundreds of cars and people below, the odd plane flying over in the distance.

"You know you talk in your sleep?" she whispers in my ear.

I take a second to comprehend what she just said to me.

"I what now?"

Fuck. Please tell me I didn't say Billie in my sleep.

"You talk in your sleep." she repeats, still holding me in her arms.

Jesus Christ. What am I supposed to say now. I've just completely fucked everything up, IN MY SLEEP. I didn't even do it consciously.

"So what did I say then?" I ask, acting completely innocent, hoping she's going to say something other than her own name.

She doesn't respond yet rests her chin on my shoulder, her warm breath blowing periodically against my ear.

"What did I say?" I ask again, more impatiently this time.

"It was more the sounds you made." she remarked with a snigger.

Holy shit.

"Sounds?" I asked. "What sounds?"

"It's easier if I just show you." she responds, gently kissing me on the cheek.

She spins me around so we're face to face. We look at each other for a moment before she leans in and our lips collide, this time for real. I shift backwards, leaning on the balcony rail and move my hands down onto her hips, caressing her body. She places one hand on my waist, the other holding the back of my neck.

God, I love it when she does that.

She moves her lips down onto my neck, continuing to kiss as she did so, before pulling away.

"I hope it was me in that dream." she says in an alluring tone.

"I wouldn't want anyone else." I reply, staring into her ocean eyes.

She smiles, plunging her lips back onto mine and pulling me back inside the hotel room towards the bed.

This is everything I've ever wanted.

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