- thirty seven -

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I awoke to bright lights beaming down on me. I squinted to try and block it out, before adjusting after a few seconds.

I was laid in a hospital bed.

"Y/n?" my dad said, surprised. "She's awake." he excitedly called, grasping my hand.

Promptly the door flung open and my mother burst in, two cups in her hand of what I assume is coffee.

"Y/n?" she said, swiftly placing the cups on the table and coming to my side, grabbing my other hand.

"What's going on?" I asked, dazed. 

I can remember some things. I can remember my anger, I remember flying through the air. The rest is just blurred fragments of what actually happened.

Visions of the accident began to replay in my mind. I began to panic as I relived it.

"It's alright Y/n, calm down." my mum said as she held my hand.

The monitor beside me began to beep.

"Breathe, you need to breathe." my dad remarked, "You're safe, you're okay."

I grasped their hands and rested my head back on the pillow, trying to take some deep breaths. 

"How did I get here?" I asked, my breaths still rapid.

"You're lucky she followed you." my mum began, "God knows what would've happened if she didn't."


I can't believe this happened because of her. Wait, no. Not because of her. Because I couldn't deal with talking to her.

"Is she here?" I timidly asked, looking around the room.

"She's outside." my mum replied. "She won't leave, but she won't come in. She's blaming herself."

"What?" I exclaimed.

How can she blame herself? I'm the one who lost control, I'm the one who was reckless.

"She's flown all the way over here to try and make things right." my dad began, "I think you should give her a chance to explain."

I don't want to hear her explain. I don't want her to say I meant nothing to her. Maybe I'm overreacting? God, I don't know.

He's right though; she came all the way over here and I completely shut down. She's been trying to talk for ages but I've just ignored her.

"Could you go and get her please?" I asked.

"Alright." he said, "But if anything goes south you promise to call us back in?"

I nodded.

Both of my parents left the room and I was left alone for a moment. 

After a minute the door was tentatively pushed open and Billie walked in, staring at me, relief in her eyes. She walked over and grabbed my hand, squeezing it tight.

I hesitated for a moment before closing my hand around hers. I don't know how I feel, but it's comforting to have her here.

"I'm so sorry." she said, tears forming in her eyes.

"What're you sorry for?" I replied. "I'm the one who did this."

"I shouldn't have come, I shouldn't have pushed you." she continued, tears falling down her face.

I sat up and placed my hands on her cheek, wiping her tears away.

"I'm alright, it's alright."

She rested her face into my palms and continued to cry.

Hold on. I'm supposed to be angry - she cheated on me.

I pulled my hands back and Billie jumped slightly.

I rested my arms on my stomach and laid back. She took a seat on the edge of the bed next to me and replaced her hand on top of mine.

I want to pull away, I should pull away, but it feels so right. 

"Can I explain?" she timidly asked.

"It's not like I'm going anywhere." I snidely remarked.

She looked at me in upset.

"Sorry." I said.

That was uncalled for.

She wiped the remaining tears from her face and pulled her phone out of her pocket, tapping the screen before turning it to me.

It was CCTV footage of the stage on the day I left, footage of her standing with that man.

"I don't want to see that." I said, turning my head away.

"Just watch it." she demanded, "Please."

I sighed and turned my head back, glaring at the screen.

He was so close to her. It made my blood boil. He ran his hand up her arm, but she flinched? 

The monitor beside me began to beep again as I became vexed. I couldn't stop watching.

He took a step closer, this time only centimetres away from her face. Finally, he lent in to kiss her.

Billie took both hands and struck him across the chest, shoving him away. He stumbled backwards and she ran off.

She didn't kiss him?

I looked up at her and she was staring at me sheepishly.

She didn't kiss him. I was wrong. I didn't even give her the chance to explain before, I just shut her out.

"I'm so sorry." I uttered shakily.

I got it so wrong. I listened to the media of all things. I listened to them instead of trusting her.

"I'm so sorry Billie." I repeated.

"It's okay." she replied. 

"It's not okay. I should've trusted you. I should've listened." I said, grasping her hand on my stomach.

"It's okay Y/n." she said again, "I would've done the same."

"That doesn't make it right."

"I've missed you so much." she confessed.

"I've missed you too. Ignoring you has been the hardest thing I've ever done. I'm sorry I never gave you a chance." I replied.

"Stop apologising." she said with a laugh, "Does this mean we're good now?"

"We're more than good." I announced, "That's if you'll have me back?"

Please say yes.

Billie didn't say anything, yet instead leant towards me and pushed her lips against mine. She placed her arms around me and pulled me closer.

"Ow, ow, ow!" I winced. 

She immediately pulled herself away and tenderly held me upright, concern all over her face.

"I think I broke a few ribs." I chuckled, trying to hide the pain. "Just hug me gently, alright?"

She laughed and ushered me to move over. I did just that and she sat beside me, wrapping her arm around me. I leant my head against her chest and felt it rise and fall as she took each breath.

I've missed this, so much.

"I'll take that as a yes then?" I asked.

"I think I can put up with you as my girlfriend again." she joked, kissing me on the head and twiddling my hair in her hands.

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