• Chapter 16* • My Freak* •

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She nods and hugs Dustin,"Promise we'll still talk after all of this?"

"Promise." He says surprised she was hugging him.

--2 Days Later--

The 2 days were as painful as the day Eddie died. Chrissy was expecting him to just appear around the corner and everything would be okay, they could have their happy ending. That just didn't happen for her, so she clicked play on the tape player she had and clicked the play button. The tape she had in was called 'Eddie's Top 10' that he made a week before dying.

Master Of Puppets played while she walked around the school hall trying to tidy up and help around as much as she could. She made her way around the hall with water and cereal bars on a tray, she placed one side of the headphones behind her ear while giving the food and drink out. She then saw someone and everything stopped. Her feet cemented into the ground and her jaw hung low as a long, wavy haired freak stood at the end of the hall. Well he was barely standing as he held two crutches and had support from Steve and Robin walking in the hall.

When Chrissy could finally start walking towards him she did, she went as fast as humanly possible through all of the people in her way to getting to her Eddie.

Eddie had also spotted Chrissy basically running to him, he braced himself for the inevitable hug he was going to get. Eddie smiled as she got closer and closer, he tried walking towards her but it seemed impossible with the injuries he had sustained from the bats bites. The pain he felt on his sides and his ribs was like no other and really he should be on bed rest. He stopped trying to get closer when she got right in front of him-

"How?-" Chrissy held his face in her hands being as gentle as possible," How did you get out?"

"These guys-They came back, at first they only wanted to get me so I wasn't just left to like rot in that place..But apparently I still had a pulse so Steve here rushed me to the hospital in the first class camper van we all love so much.." He sort of has a joking/sarcastic tone until Chrissy kissed him.

Steve and Robin awkwardly walked away as the kiss was admittedly cute of them but it was also quickly turning into make out session. Chrissy pulled away and rested her head on his forehead, one hand on his cheek as her thumb caressed it.

"I thought I lost you.. I thought you were gone."

"I didn't run that time.."He smiles weakly,"I'm sorry I scared you like that, but if I didn't do it things would've ended worse than they did and I couldn't like live with myself if I didn't do anything and then shit hit the fan and we died or something-" he rambles a bit justifying his actions.

"I know- I know, but please for the love of god don't do that again." She stands back a bit,
"Your uncle! You need to go see him! Dustin's with him, oh god Dustin too!"

Eddie giggles a bit then they make their way to the both of them, Chrissy held Eddie's arm supporting him to Dustin and Mr Munson. As they got closer and closer Dustin looked around and saw Eddie. The look of disbelief on Dustin's face was like no other and when Dustin stood up he patted Mr Munson on the shoulder and just pointed.

The only thing not so magical about the reunion was all of the glares Eddie got from the people around him. It's crazy how a whole city crisis could happen and the whole town was still out to get him. Eddie ignored it though, he was dead set on giving his uncle a hug and tell him that he's okay.

"Eddie?" Dustin questioned as if this wasn't real and that it was a dream.

"Uncle Wayne,Dustin-" His toothy smile expanded as he accepted the hug off of Dustin.

"What the hell happened to you boy?" Wayne says  holding back his own tears of just while hugging his nephew.

"I tripped?" Eddie said with the littlest tiniest hope Wayne would believe him.

"No,kid, this-" he backs up pointing up and down at the bandages around his chest and on his neck-"This isn't just falling over.."

"Well actually I'm not  quite sure I can tell you-" Eddie looks to Dustin for some clarification.

That lead to Dustin telling the unbelievable story of the last 5 days and how Eddie ended up as the walking dead. Wayne didn't really believe it and genuinely questioned the people Eddie went round with but it was an answer so he kind of just accepted it.

Eddie started getting tired so he took himself off to a bench across from everyone, Chrissy sat with him holding his hand. He notices the tape player Chrissy had on the waistband of the joggers she was wearing- it was his tape player with his headphones.

"So you're a robber now,"He joked pointing to the tape player.

"Oh these- I'm sorry, I just-"

"It's okay, I was joking," he smiles down at her, "I'm glad you're listening to something, what is it?"

"Your top 10 songs..I paused it when that Metallica song you played came on, I just couldn't listen to it.." she looks down playing with the headphone wire. 

Eddie couldn't help but feel bad for everything that happened, even though he didn't plan on having a near death moment,  he made people believe he was going to die.. In all fairness though he kind of tricked himself too because he had no hope of getting out of the upside down alive. If it weren't for Robin and Steve going back then it would have been game over,they didn't want to give anyone false hope though by telling the group Eddie was admitted to a hospital a day ago.

--A Few Hours Later--

Steve, Nancy, Robin and a few others in the group were going out somewhere tonight to have a break night. After all they did single handedly nearly save the world, they deserved something. Eddie and Chrissy were invited, Chrissy declined for both of them because of the state Eddie was in and because they both had a date to get to.

This date wasn't going to be like any other date: Go out to see a film, Go eat food together and maybe kiss at the end. No their date was going to be a night in Eddie's trailer. Chrissy bought snacks from the shop while making her way to Eddie's, she also got them a special drink-

"Really? How did you manage to find Sparkling Fruity Wine Drink?" Eddie laughed holding the bottle while lay down on his bed.

He wasn't allowed to leave his room unless it was to use the bathroom really, that's another reason why they were staying in for their date. Eddie had himself propped up on a big white pillow, Chrissy was trying to look through what films Eddie had rented in the past month or so and then decided to put in The Outsiders.

"Can I still be your Ponyboy?" Eddie asks Chrissy from the night on the boat when she'd made a reference to 'cancer sticks' (meaning cigarettes).

"I can't lie to you Eds but I think you're more of a Dally.." She lay beside him.

He smiled at her even as she was watching the movie, he couldn't believe he was with Chrissy Cunningham watching a film with her in his arms.

Towards the middle of the film Eddie had flipped so he was kind of on top of Chrissy, he had his arms wrapped around her size 6 waist and he rested his head on her chest. Chrissy started playing with his hair with one hand and the other held the back of his neck; as she started to get tired she closed her eyes and leant her head back into the pillow.

When the movie stopped playing it was about 12am and Wayne had gotten off work early and heard the tv all muffled in Eddie's room so he went in without expecting anyone to be with Eddie but when he noticed Chrissy he was a bit more quiet not to wake them. He also noticed they both lay without a blanket: it was pretty cold that night so he went and grabbed a blanket to put over them.

He switched off Eddie's light and shut the door, he stood there for a few seconds before walking away. All he could think about was how fast Eddie had grown up and all the shit he'd gone through to get to this point but now he was happy. Happy with a nice girl who really cared for him. That felt right, it felt like what Eddie deserved after the life he's lived.


This isn't the end to the alternate ending!

Hope you enjoy the start of another ending x

My Freak - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now