Chapter Six

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"Don't cry. Valerie, don't cry. It'll be okay. It's all going to be okay."

"It's not, I can't, I-"

"Shhh, hush. I love you. I'll always love you."

I woke up sweating through my sheets, my body shaking and my eyes stinging with tears. The nightmares were back, if that's what you want to call them. More like flashbacks, but terrible ones that repeat all through the night. 

"I'll always love you."

I peered out through my bunk curtains. It was dark and everyone was sound asleep. Well, as sound asleep as you can be on a shaky, bus. The nightmare spun around in my head and, careful not to wake anybody, I creeped from the bunk and made my way to the very small restroom located near the back lounge. A rack of shoes hung on the door and I turned the knob, my head dizzy and spinning. I felt emensly weak all of a sudden.

I flipped on the light switch and slid the door closed. The tiny, rectangular, bathroom featured a sink, toilet, and shower, but they were all squished against each other and doing anything in there at all was pretty uncomfotable. I felt my knees start to give out and sat down on the floor, leaning against the sink, before I could fall over and hurt myself.

This was getting really, really bad. I felt as if I was going to black out at any minute, and my whole body was sweating and shivering. I need to call Jack or my aunt, I thought, I need to tell someone I'm getting bad again. But I had left my phone in my bag or my bunk or somewhere other than this goddamn bathroom that I didn't have the strength to leave. I probably looked so pathetic, shaking, tears running down my cheeks, my skinny body probably sickly pale. Not to mention I was almost blacked out on the bathroom floor. 

"Shh, hush, I love you"

My mouth tasted sour and my skin burned warm. I managed to stand myself up, only to bend down again and vomit practically nothing into the toilet.

"I'll always love you"

I exaimened my reflection in the mirror. My big eyes were red and sunken, my skin resembled paper, I looked like a ghost in the dim light. I splashed water onto my face and flushed the toilet.

And then I somehow found myself lying on the ground, my side throbbing with pain, and light creeping in through the crack under the door.

Well, hell, I guess it was just going to be one of those days.

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