Chapter Three

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The echoing intro to the opening song resounded in my ears as Melissa, the rest of the crowd, and I cheered and threw our hands up in the air.

Dundana dundana dundana dun dun dundana dundana dundana

A perfect mixture of electric synth and rock instruments, I approved. A full band was out on stage but something was missing, an empty microphone stand stood in the middle, awaiting the hopefully dramatic arrival of it's owner.

And then suddenly two young men appeared on stage. The first had blonde hair shaven off on one side and facial hair to match. He held a microphone and ran to the left side of the stage, waving his hands int the air, causing the crowd to erupt into even louder shouts and screams.

The other man headed to the once-lonely microphone stand.

That other man was David.

The biggest smile grew on my lips at the sight of him. So this was his band. I wasn't exactly right up front so I wondered if he had seen me yet. Would he even recognize me? I decided to throw away any negative worries and just enjoy the music.

"Here's to you, glorify my darlings, are you satisfied?" he sang while the blonde jumped around the stage wildly, getting the crowd pumped up, "Here's to you, critisize my darlings, are you satisfied?"

The volume of the crowd escalated as they reached the chorus, "You're building me up just to break me down, you're being loud without a sound. You're pasting me in just to cut me out, hello fascination"

That was my first time hearing David sing, and he was amazing. The two had such great stage prescence as well. I jumped up and down when the blonde began screaming, "You dug my grave! But I pushed you in!"

By the time the chorus rolled around the second time I was singing along myself, "You're pasting me in just to cut me out, hello fascination! Oh woah, oh woah, oh woah, hello fascination!"

When the song ended David thanked the crowd and made a comment about how many of us there were, motioning to the hundreds of sweaty kids with smiling faces. And then, for a brief moment, our eyes met and David glanced away then quickly turned back in my direction, a look of recognition sweeping across his face. I shot him a quick, subtle thumbs up and the next song began.

The whole set blew me away, David and his bandmate (who I later learned was named Kyle) had amazing vocals live, and I was eagar to pick up their albums at merch sometime later. And every time David looked in my direction he smiled. Yep, he definatly recognized me.

It was one of those moments I felt at home, safe in the sea of bodies pushed against mine, safe in the sound of hundreds or voices chanting "Please don't drag me down!" It was moments like these that reminded me why I ever got a job in touring in the first place.

Because in the end we're all going to dissapear and leave this earth then eventually our memory will fade away after that, so why not at least make it worth the fight?

"Oh my God", I heard Melissa breathe beside me after David and Kyle thanked the crowd and left the stage. I turned to her to see tears welling up in her eyes, the biggest smile on her face as she stared at the empty stage in shock. "Three times and it still hits me like the first."

After Melissa calmed down a bit and we were standing outside the entrance to the mainstage, she asked what I had thought of them. I laughed and said, "One of the best performences I've ever seen, and no one told me the guy who knocked me to the ground the other day was the lead singer."

Melissa's blue eyes got wide, "You met David?"

"Yeah, a few days ago. He ran into me backstage and we talked real quick. I've been trying to figure out what band he's been in since then."

"Holy crap you're lucky" she replied, "I still haven't gotten a chance to meet them, I've tried so hard the past, what? Three? Four years? And wristbands were gone by the time I got to the tent giving them away today. Guess that's what I get for falling so hopelessly in love with a band," she laughed, but I really felt sorry for her.

"Do you have anywhere to be right now?" I asked.

"No, my friend ditched me after her boyfriend showed up and I already saw all the bands I wanted, so aimlessly wandering around until I bump into some band members it is for me!" she exclaimed, "Why?"

"Here, put your number in" I said, handing Melissa my cell phone. She did so then vice versa.

"It was nice meeting you" Melissa said to me, she seemed like such an outgoing, friendly girl.

"Oh, no, I'll be right back, wait here" I said, then left in the opposite direction, leaving Melissa alone and probably confused.  "I swear, just wait there!" I shouted back.


"Hey!" David greeted me as I approached him backstage, "Valerie, right?"

"Yeah," I smiled at him and he returned the favor. 

"I saw you in the crowd" he said awkwardly.

"Yeah, I was surprised to see you up there!" I said "You guys killed it."

"Wow, that actually, well, means a lot!" he exclaimed, running his fingers through his hair, and I observed that he had two nose piercings, a ring on the right and a stud on the left.

"No problem!" I tugged at the bottom of my tank top. Being around David made me a bit nervous, I felt like I was going to say the wrong think or make a fool of myself.

"So, now it's time for me to figure out what band you're in" he joked.

"All Time Low, merch girl actually" I said.

"So you're here the whole tour?"

"Pretty much!" I said, throwing my hands up. David grinned.

"So, Valerie, are you busy?" he asked me, setting down the various cords and wires he had been holding.

"I was just about to ask you the same question" I said.

"Well in that case, wanna come hang out with Kyle and I? We're gonna go out in town for the rest of the night."

"Oh, yeah, I'd love to!" I said, trying my best not to stutter. I was feeling myself blush, hopefully he wouldn't notice over the red the heat had already planted on my cheeks. "But think you can do me a quick favor first?"

"What is it?" he asked, brown eyes on mine.

"Well before your set I met this girl, her name's Melissa. She's a hug fan of you guys and has been trying to meet you for years, think I could bring her back here real quick and you and Kyle can take some picture, sign something, if it's not to much of a hassle?"

"Aw, yeah, it would be an honor to meet her" he laughed, "Seriously, fans are the greatest. I'll go get Kyle, bring her over here."

"Thank you, this probably means the world to her. She has no idea I'm back here talking to you right now, seriously."

"Just let her know that it honestly means the world to us too" David said before heading in search of Kyle.

I didn't know which I was more excited for, seeing a girl finally able to meet her favorite band, or getting to hang out with David afterwards. 

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