Chapter twelve (THE END)

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The last day of Warped Tour was here.

The guys were playing one of the last shows of the day, and after we closed up, the bands and crew set up a big celebrative barbecue. I was standing around with Jack, Alex, Rian, and Zack. We were laughing and eating and having an all-over good time as the sun set in the Portland sky. Wow, Portland. I was on the other side of the country, so far from home, and with my best friends. I never wanted to forget this moment.

But my train of thought quickly crashed as I spotted David nearby, chatting with Kyle. I caught his eye and he waved me over. "I'll be right back" I said to the guys, but Jack grabbed my shoulder before I could run over to David.

"Valerie" he said concerned, and pulled me off to the side. I watched as Alex and the others raised their eyebrows then resumed their conversation. 

"Jack, I swear to god. I don't need your per-"

"No, no, no," he interrupted me, "I realize I've been a total asshole and I'm sorry for all of that. I just wanted to tell you I'm happy for whatever you've got going on with Carolina Boy" 

I laughed. "Thanks Jack. I mean"

"I know" he said, "Now go out there and get some!" he pushed me in the direction of David and I punched him in the arm before running off.

I smiled as I made my way up to David. "Hey," I greeted him. He flashed me a wide grin and wrapped his arm around me.

He let out an enthusiastic "Hey" in response and pulled me out of the crowd. "Valerie, I need to talk to you about yesterday. I can't stop thinking about what happened."

"Go on," I encouraged, feeling myself blush. I was a bit scared of what he would say, but eager and anxious to hear it.

"Valerie," David took a deep breath, "what happened, I, it was amazing. It was sick. I haven't stopped thinking about you all day."

"I'm so relieved to hear that, I was thinking the same thing."

"What do you say we get out of here?" he asked, eyeing the buses behind us. I felt my face get hotter and the butterflies bubble up inside me. 

"Sounds like a plan"

David took my hand and began leading me towards the Breathe Carolina tour bus. I could feel both our hearts beating out of our chests. Raindrops started pouring down, slowly one by one, and then all at once, and soon it was pouring. I shouted and we laughed as we made it up to the door of the bus and David led me inside.

The second I shut the door, David's lips were on mine. I could feel the rainwater dribble down both our faces but it didn't matter, nothing mattered. The kiss got more and more aggressive until my hands were on David's face and he had me pinned against the wall.

David's hands grasped my waist and he broke the kiss, looking up at me. I caught my breath and whispered, "go for it" with a grin. David's lips curled up into a smile and he ripped my shirt off, planting kisses down my neck. 

I had no idea when I would see David again, if ever. I would be heading out for a fall tour with All Time Low, and he would be doing god-knows-what god-knows-where. I didn't know if we would keep in touch, I didn't know if he would hook up with other girls and forget about me, hell, I didn't know if we would ever cross paths again. But as he laid me down on the couch and all my worries slipped out of my mind, none of that mattered.

What mattered was right here, right now, in this moment.

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