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Sumi's pov:

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Sumi's pov:

He wasn't serious, was he?

But he wasn't done talking yet.

"... and instead of doing something with me, you go and do something with my brothers!" he said.

When he said that, it was over and I couldn't help laughing.

I had to laugh so loud and long that I almost couldn't breathe.

The expression on his face was amazed.

"You didn't say that now, did you?" I said laughing.

"I did" he said.

"First you give me a gift and you're all nice, then you're cold to me and don't talk to me, and now you're telling me to do something with you?" I said in a more serious tone.

He looked at me with wide eyes and rubbed the back of his neck with the palm of his hand.

And now he's suddenly shy, the guy has more mood swings than a pregnant woman.

Honestly, if he doesn't apologize properly, I won't do anything or talk to him anymore.

"If you have nothing else to say, I'm leaving now, because as I said, I meet with Jin in the library" I said.

I was about to leave again but he grabbed my arm again.

"Wait, I wanted to apologize to you, I acted stupid, but I was just afraid you would get your hopes up" he said.

I felt a stab in my heart.

That was really direct, I put on a smile and took a step away from him.

"Okay in that case, we're okay now?" I asked.

He nodded with a smile.

I then told him to go to the library for me and tell Jin that I wasn't coming because I had something to do in my room.

Then I went to my room without a word.

I had to process everything first, I mean he was so sweet to me yesterday.

Is this all just friendship for him?

In my room I sat down on my balcony, I automatically had to think about last night.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door, it was Eomeoni who gave me my wedding dress.

"Here are some jewelry sets that go with it, you should choose one." said Eomeoni.

I picked out a simple one with pearls and fine gold that fit best.

The wedding day has to be perfect.

Time skip:

It was dark outside and I was lying in my bed, I had already brushed my teeth and put on my pajamas.

I was about to fall asleep when I heard a creak, it was my door.

Is that Jackson or Eomeoni?

But when the person came in, that person had a different body statue than Jackson or Eomeoni.

Was that a burglar, in the castle?!

How does that work?

I kept still and pretended to be asleep, the guy was getting closer and closer and in the darkness I couldn't make out his face.

Who is this?

I was so overwhelmed that I just started screaming.

The guy covered my mouth and held me, then he turned on the light and Jungkook stood in front of me.

"Have you gone crazy?" I said.

"I didn't mean to scare you" he spoke.

"But you did!" I said.

"May I ask what you are doing here at this hour?" I asked.

"I have something planned, and yes, I'm going to do it now!" he said.

And it has to be at this hour?

"And what did you plan?" I asked in a somewhat irritated tone.

"For that we have to go outside!" he answers with a smile.

I couldn't stay mad at him, but when I realized what I was wearing and he saw it too, he abruptly turned around.

"Could you maybe go outside so I can change?", I asked after he didn't move from his spot.

"Yeah, sure!" he said quickly and literally ran to the door.

When he closed the door, I had to laugh because that was really funny.

I put on a simple house dress that was comfortable.

When I looked in the mirror, I looked okay.

I had no motivation to make myself pretty in any way.

I put on comfortable shoes and then I opened the door.

He stood with his back against the wall opposite my door.

When I came out, he straightened up and gave me to understand to follow him, which I did.

We walked in the direction of the exit.

As we walked further and further into the courtyard toward the west wing, I finally wanted to know where he was going.

"And where are you going now?" I asked him.

He smiled again and said that I would see soon.

I really don't understand him, just now he was cold to me and now he's making surprises again, I just don't get it!

Anyway, I'll just let myself be surprised now.

After five minutes we have finally arrived.

When we stepped behind the tree, there was a blanket with a basket and candles, you had a perfect view of the starry sky and the moon.

It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

"I hope you like it!" said Jungkook uncertainly.

"Yes, I like it, it's the most beautiful thing anyone has ever made for me!" I said in amazement.

I smiled at him in thanks, which he returned.

Then we sat down and he took out fruit and vegetables that he had cut himself.

"You can tell you cut the fruit" I said laughing.

He looked away embarrassed, I took a piece of apple and bit into it, it was really good.

I thanked him again and we talked about many things.

It was really nice and we didn't go back to our rooms until the sun was slowly rising.

Once in my room, I lay down on my bed and enjoyed it until Eomeoni came to wake me up.

I'm already looking forward to the wedding day!

And I hope that nothing will go wrong....


To be continued....


(1005 words)

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