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Severus groaned, he had been trying on outfits for hours and he wanted nothing more but to let out a gut wrenching scream.

"Can this be over now?"

"No, Sev now here try this on" Lucius said as he handed Severus another outfit.

Severus took it without looking and once he actually saw what it was his face turned red "THIS IS A DRESS!!!" He shouted out at his blonde friend.

Lucius smiled "So? I've seen wear the Lily's school skirts from time to time every month" He stated.

"That's different...ugh whatever I'm to tired to argue with you" Severus said as he tried on the dress. He grumbled as he looked himself in the mirror. The dress went down to his knees barely covering half of it.

Luckily for him the dress had long sleeves and it wasn't to tight. It flowed with every movement he made. It also helped that the dress was a dark blue color and was plain.

Lucius quickly spun Severus around to see how it looked and smiled "Oh you look fantastic, what do you think?" He asked.

Severus couldn't help but shyly smile "I guess it's ok" He muttered which made Lucius chuckle "Perfect, come let's go" Lucius dragged Severus out of the dressing room and back to the others.

Lily was the first to notice their return and gasped when she saw her best friend. This captured Regulus and James's attention and they looked at Lily, once they noticed her attention was captured by something they turned their heads to see what. Only to catch sight of Lucius standing next to Severus who was wearing a dress.

They all stared at Severus in shock and Lily was the one to snap out of it first. She squealed and ran over to her best friend and engulfed him in a hug.

"Oh Severus you look absolutely stunning! Oh you should wear dresses more often" She stated happily. Severus simply tried to push her away "Lils you're crushing me-" He breathed out.

Lily quickly let go and laughed nervously "Heh sorry Sev" Severus simply nodded in response.

Finally James and Regulus came out of their shock and walked over to the pair of friends. "Woah Severus you look great" James said happily.

Regulus smiled "Evan will be thrilled to see you especially consider that his favorite color is blue" He stated. Severus stared at him in a bit of annoyance and crossed his arms "You know his favorite color but you don't know his favorite creature" He questioned.

"Absolutely correct" Regulus said proud which caused Severus to let out a groan "Ugh whatever, can we go" He asked turning his attention to Lucius.

Lucius nodded "Yes" He said "Go change out of the dress so that I can pay for it" He added as he ushered Severus back to the dressing room. He pushed him inside and quickly closed the door. Severus mumbled something as he began to remove the dress.

He then put on his previous attire and once he was done he picked up the dress and exited the dressing room. He and the others made their way towards the cash register and Severus handed the lady the dark blue dress. She gave him a soft smile and giggled softly as she checked the price of the dress.

Severus felt his cheeks heat up and looked away. Lily and Lucius chuckled while Regulus and James simply smirked.

Lucius handed her some galleons after being told the price and was handed back a small thin box that contained the dress. Severus quickly snatched it and walked off with the others quickly trailing after him.

Lily linked her arm with his once she had reached him and smiled "Come now sev no need to be embarassed" She said softly.  Severus glared at her "Bite me" He said "And not literally!!" He added when he felt Lily grab his hand.

Lily pouted "Fine, fine, let's get back to the castle so we can figure out how to style your hair for the match tomorrow" She said excitedly.

"Yay...." He mumbled out as she dragged him back to Hogwarts. The others simply did their best not to laugh so as not to get hexed or bitten by the pair in front of them.

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