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"Oh wait!"


Regulus stopped in his tracks and pulled out the letter that Barty had given him. He held it out to Lucius, who had also stopped.

"Barty asked me to give this to you"

Lucius took the letter and shoved it into his pocket "Thanks, I'm pretty sure it's just another letter of apology" He muttered. Regulus tilted his head in confusion "What's he apologizing for?"

"He was supposed to meet my parents today but instead he has detention for the entire day, so I'm not happy with him" Lucius spoke "Now let's get to the courtyard, I'm sure they're waiting for us" He added. Regulus nodded and the pair began walking to the courtyard once again.

Once the reached the courtyard they were greeted by a very excited Lily. She pulled them both into hug then began pressing kisses all over Regulus's face. Lucius laughed as Regulus turned bright red "Alright, alright enough of that before he passes out" He said.

Lily drew back and let out a nervous laugh "Hehe my bad, anyways it's great that you guys are finally here. Now we can go shopping!!" She stated while jumping up and down with excitement. Regulus watched her with love in eyes, while Lucius and James chuckled, and Severus rolled his eyes.

"This is gonna be awful...." Severus muttered to himself.

Soon they all began making their way back to hogsmeade. Severus was of courses dragged all the way there given that he kept trying to sneak off.

"Will you knock it off! You aren't getting out of this!!"

"Bite me Potter!!"

Severus yelped as he felt someone bite his hand "Bloody hell Lily! I didn't mean literally!!"

Lily only gave him a smug smile in response.

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