Chapter 3|| A Celebration

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Princess Sakanoue was greeted by a delegation from the Kingdom of Clarines, adorned in rich, colourful garments that mirrored the elegance of their realm. The ruler, First Prince Izana Wistaria, awaited her at the entrance of the grand palace.

Prince Izana, recognizing the customs and respecting the protocol established between their kingdoms, bowed gracefully before Princess Sakanoue. It was a gesture of acknowledgement, a subtle recognition of her status as the visiting royalty. 

"Princess Skanoue of The Sapphire Empire. It is with great pleasure that I, Prince Izana Wisteria, welcome you to The Kingdom of Clarines."

"You may rise, First Prince," she commanded, exuding confidence. 

Prince Izana rose, his posture impeccable. "Your Highness, the pleasure is ours to host such esteemed royalty in our kingdom. May this visit strengthen the bonds between The Sapphire Empire and The Kingdom of Clarines."

The Princess acknowledged his words with a gracious nod. "I am eager to explore the beauty of Clarines and engage in discussions that will foster understanding and cooperation between our lands."

As they proceeded into the grand palace, adorned with opulent tapestries and intricate carvings, Prince Izana guided Princess Sakanoue through the corridors. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of anticipation as they approached the chambers designated for diplomatic discussions.

As she took a seat at the head of the table, with Ace and Ramir standing at either side of her, she could feel the eyes of every member of this Prince's advisory on her. She stood up, taking an unnecessary glance at her papers before laying them neatly on the table and speaking. 

"Good evening all. I am Grand Princess Y/n Sakanoue of the Sapphire Empire. It has been brought to my attention that there is a disturbance occurring at our borders." she began, going straight to the point. There was no use beating around the bush. She had more responsibilities to cover and couldn't care less about putting these people in their place. 

The members of Prince Izana's advisory listened attentively, their expressions shifting from anticipation to a focused seriousness. The Grand Princess's direct approach commanded respect, and the gravity of the situation at the borders was evident in the room.

"I have come here not only as a representative of The Sapphire Empire but also as a seeker of resolution," Princess Sakanoue continued. "Our kingdoms share a history of peaceful coexistence, and it is in both our interests to address and resolve these disturbances promptly."

Prince Izana, sitting at the opposite end of the table, nodded in agreement. "Your Highness, we, too, value the harmony between our realms. I am committed to finding an amicable solution that preserves the peace we have enjoyed for generations."

The diplomatic discussions unfolded, with Princess Sakanoue and Prince Izana navigating the complexities of the situation. The room buzzed with the exchange of ideas, concerns, and proposed solutions. Ace and Ramir, standing steadfast by the Grand Princess's side, observed the proceedings with vigilant eyes.

As the night progressed, a tentative consensus began to take shape. Both parties recognized the need for increased communication, joint border patrols, and a commitment to addressing underlying issues that might lead to further tensions.

"We appreciate your directness and commitment to resolving this matter swiftly," Prince Izana stated, his tone reflecting a sense of collaboration.

Princess Sakanoue nodded, "Likewise, First Prince. I hope that this dialogue marks the beginning of strengthened cooperation between our kingdoms."

The discussions continued into the evening, laying the groundwork for a comprehensive resolution. As the meeting concluded, Princess Sakanoue felt a sense of accomplishment. The diplomatic mission, though challenging, had set the stage for continued understanding and collaboration between The Sapphire Empire and The Kingdom of Clarines.

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