Chapter 4|| New Encounters

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Princess Sakanoue, Emperor Liam and Empress Aiko sat idly on their thrones as they had something occupying their time. While Emperor Liam 'closed his eyes for a moment', Empress Aiko was fidgeting with her expensive bracelets and the young Princess was reading a book. 

A loud clamour outside caused them all to jolt. Emperor Liam's crown even fell off his head. "What is causing such a ruckus in my peaceful kingdom?" he grumbled walking up to the windows, with his wife and daughter following suit. 

Looking through the window, the first thing that Princess Sakanoue spotted was a spot of red. It was hair. 

'Very unique, I must say. However, why is she being held down by guards?'

"Let me go!" the redhead shouted. Ah, so it is a girl then. They all concluded. Whatever she did was wrong enough to be apprehended by the guards, which piqued the youngest Sakanoue's interest. 

"Father, Mother." she curtsied, "I must go and see what all this commotion is being made about." and then, with a snap of her fingers, she was off with Ace, her guard, right behind her. 

As Princess Sakanoue approached the scene, the crowd parted to make way for their beloved princess. The guards restraining the apple-haired girl looked at each other, momentarily unsure of how to react. Ace, at the princess's side, subtly gestured for them to release their captive.

The young redhead, her clothes slightly dishevelled from the scuffle, stood defiantly as the guards let go. She shot a glare at them before turning her attention to Princess Sakanoue.

"Your Highness, forgive the disturbance," one of the guards stammered, bowing apologetically. The other did the same and they both held the girl by either shoulder and forced her onto her knees. 

Princess Sakanoue raised an eyebrow, her gaze fixed on the fiery-haired girl. "Explain the reason for this commotion," she demanded, her voice carrying authority.

The guards exchanged nervous glances before one of them spoke up, "This girl was caught attempting to sneak into the palace grounds. We apprehended her, suspecting ill intentions."

"Really now? Is that so miss...?" she paused, wanting to hear a name. Perhaps this girl was someone important. 

"I should be asking you that. I don't even know who you are so you should-" the girl began, standing up, before a sword was drawn swiftly and pointed at her neck. She drew in a sharp breath. One wrong move and her throat could be pierced and she could die a very painful death.

"How dare you speak to the Grand Princess in such an ill manner?" Ace's cold, threatening voice seethed. 

The Princess chuckled at the girl's scared expression, her eyes darting from the sword to the Princess and then back. How was she supposed to know that this was the grand princess? It wasn't like either of them left their homes often. Looking up, she could now see a tiara, sitting gracefully on the Princess's head. 

"Now, now... Ace, we wouldn't want any useless bloodshed on a day like today. I'd rather not have her worthless, limp body being drained here even though it would be much more amusing to look at." she smiled. 

'I was trying to be friendly, sweetheart, but you just had to go screw it up, didn't you?'

The guard, upon hearing his Princess's words, dropped his sword with a snarl as he kept a tentative eye on this strange girl. Who was she?

"Now, stop wasting my time." she spoke curtly, her tight smile dropping, "State. Your. Name." she annunciated each word with a slight incline of her brows. 

"Shirayuki," the girl replied and then added with a small voice, "Your Highness."

Princess Sakanoue studied Shirayuki, her gaze assessing the sincerity in the girl's eyes. "Shirayuki, what brings you to the palace, and why did you attempt to sneak in?"

Shirayuki hesitated for a moment before answering, "Can we talk about this in a more private place?" 

"You're in no position to be making demands around here. Speak or I'll have you thrown in the dungeons." The Princess laughed inwardly at herself. Of course, she wasn't going to throw her in the dungeons, she just wanted a rise out of the girl.

"I... ran away from my home Kingdom, Tanbarun... their Prince, Raj, wants me as one of his... concubines because of my hair. I cut my hair and left it there. If it was that he wanted, he got it. I didn't realise that this was the Sapphire Empire until I scaled the castle walls and got caught." she spoke with a trembling voice, her tears threatening to resurface but she wouldn't cry, not in front of a snobby royal. 

Hearing this, the Princess sighed and then spoke with an annoyed voice, "Prince Raj is very self-centred. I don't blame you for what you did but the next time you meet a royal, keep your head down, no eye contact and you most certainly don't speak back or give an attitude. I could've had your head right now." she turned her back to her and walked away as a less angry Ace followed closely behind, sheathing his sword. 

"Oh, and guards," she called out, stopping but never turning back, "show her out of my garden to the market. The flowers are dying."

Shirayuki remained on her knees, stunned by the unexpected turn of events. The guards hesitated for a moment before obeying the Princess's orders. They pulled Shirayuki to her feet and escorted her out of the palace garden, leaving the scene behind.

As they walked towards the market, the guards exchanged uneasy glances. They couldn't believe they had just encountered the Grand Princess, and it seemed she had spared Shirayuki from a more severe fate. The young girl, still processing the encounter, couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and confusion.

Once they reached the market, the guards released their grip on Shirayuki, allowing her to stand on her own. The bustling marketplace was a stark contrast to the serene palace garden. People moved about, merchants called out their wares, and the lively atmosphere enveloped them.

"Go on, then. The Princess said to show you out," one of the guards grumbled, gesturing towards the market exit.

Shirayuki nodded in understanding, her thoughts still racing. She couldn't believe her luck in encountering the Grand Princess instead of facing harsh consequences. As she walked away from the palace, she couldn't shake the feeling that her journey had just taken an unexpected turn.

Meanwhile, back in the palace, Princess Sakanoue resumed her seat on the throne, flanked by Emperor Liam and Empress Aiko. They exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the peculiar event that had unfolded in their peaceful kingdom.

"Children these days," Emperor Liam mused, readjusting his crown that had slipped during the commotion.

Empress Aiko chuckled, "Indeed, Liam. But our daughter seems to have a way of handling such situations."

Princess Sakanoue, with an air of nonchalance, picked up her book from where she left off, as if the entire incident had been nothing more than a brief interruption. The royal family returned to their individual activities, but little did they know that Shirayuki's presence in the kingdom would soon intertwine their fates in ways they couldn't have foreseen.

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