Chapter 6|| Announcements

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The sun had risen to its zenith, casting a warm glow over the kingdom. Inside the grand palace, the Princess was going about her day when a royal messenger arrived with an urgent message. She was to present herself in the throne room at once.

Curiosity mingled with a hint of apprehension as she made her way through the intricately decorated corridors. The throne room doors loomed ahead, guarded by stoic sentinels. As she entered, the grandeur of the room enveloped her—the towering pillars, the ornate tapestries, and the majestic thrones occupied by her parents, the Emperor and Empress.

"Princess," the Emperor beckoned her forward with a nod, his expression stern.

She approached, a sense of unease settling in her stomach. Aiko, her mother, regarded her with a knowing smile that did little to ease the tension in the air.

"Princess Sakanoue," the Empress began, her voice carrying a weight of formality. "We have convened to discuss an important matter concerning your future."

The Princess furrowed her brow, exchanging glances with her parents. "What matter, Mother?"

The Emperor cleared his throat before addressing her. "As you are approaching your seventeenth birthday, it is time for us to consider your future, particularly your marital prospects."

A flicker of surprise crossed the Princess's face. "Marital prospects, Father? But I am still young, and there are matters of the kingdom that demand my attention."

The Empress interjected, her tone gentle but resolute. "We understand, my dear. However, it is tradition in our kingdom for a Princess to be married at eighteen. It is time for you to begin considering potential suitors who can contribute to the prosperity of the realm."

The Princess felt a mix of emotions—surprise, frustration, and a tinge of rebellion. "But Mother, Father, I have not given thought to marriage. I am committed to serving our kingdom and its people. Must I be bound by tradition in matters of the heart?"

The Emperor sighed, his expression sympathetic yet firm. "My daughter, it is a responsibility that comes with your position. A strategic alliance through marriage can strengthen our kingdom and ensure its stability. We have your best interests at heart."

The Empress added, "We are not pressuring you to choose immediately, but we advise you to start considering potential matches. We will arrange meetings with eligible princes from neighbouring realms in the coming months."

The weight of their expectations settled heavily on the Princess's shoulders. She nodded, her gaze falling to the floor for a moment before she composed herself.

"As you wish, Father, Mother. I understand the importance of our traditions, and I will do my duty. However, I hope that you will allow me some say in this matter and consider my feelings."

They both exchanged a glance before nodding in agreement. The Princess left the throne room, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. The path ahead was clear—she would have to navigate the intricacies of courtship and diplomacy, all while upholding the traditions of her kingdom. The journey to find a suitable match had begun and the weight of her royal responsibilities had grown heavy.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the palace in hues of orange and purple, the Princess slipped away from the royal corridors and into the quiet solitude of her chambers. After exchanging the formal attire for something more suitable for movement, she carefully stashed away the elaborate gown and adorned herself in a more practical outfit—tucked beneath the layers of regality was the attire that allowed her to move freely.

With a silent grace, she navigated the dimly lit hallways, avoiding the prying eyes of palace attendants. Once she reached the exterior of the palace, she took a deep breath, feeling the cool night air against her skin. It was time for a clandestine excursion.

The Princess made her way to a concealed entrance near the palace walls, a place known only to a select few, including her. As she approached, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows—Obi, with his hood drawn over his face.

"Your Highness," he greeted with a half-smile, his eyes reflecting a mix of camaraderie and shared secrecy.

"Obi," she responded, mirroring his smile. "I need a break. Let's train."

They traversed the hidden paths that led to their secret training spot. The moonlight guided their way as they reached a secluded clearing nestled between the towering trees. A small pool shimmered in the moon's glow, surrounded by soft grass and hidden from prying eyes.

The Princess and Obi assumed fighting stances, their movements fluid and synchronized as they engaged in a silent dance. Each strike, each parry, spoke of years of training together. The Princess felt a sense of liberation as she let her guard down, the weight of her royal responsibilities temporarily forgotten.

Obi's agile movements matched hers, his gaze focused on her, attentive to every nuance of her technique. The moon cast shadows, creating a mesmerizing display of their silhouettes against the night sky.

As they sparred, the Princess couldn't help but reflect on the dichotomy of her life—the regal duties she was bound to and the secret moments she cherished with Obi. Their training sessions were a refuge, a place where titles and expectations faded away, leaving only the raw essence of their connection.

In a swift motion, the Princess lunged forward, her blade cutting through the night air. Obi parried skillfully, but the Princess's strike was faster than anticipated. The edge of her blade left a shallow cut on Obi's forearm, a thin line of crimson blossoming in the moonlight.

"Obi, are you okay?" The concern in her voice broke through the intensity of their training.

He winced but managed a reassuring grin. "Just a scratch. You've got some impressive moves, Your Highness."

The Princess's eyes widened with a mix of regret and determination. "I didn't mean to..."

Obi interrupted her with a shake of his head. "No apologies in training. It's a reminder that I need to stay on my toes."

Their blades clashed again, the metallic ring echoing through the night. Obi, fueled by the minor injury, fought with renewed vigour. The Princess, too, pushed herself, determined to prove that her skills were not to be underestimated.

The training session continued, the cut on Obi's arm a symbol of the real dangers they faced beyond the moonlit clearing. As they sparred, they exchanged not only strikes but also unspoken lessons—lessons in trust, resilience, and the unpredictable nature of their world.

When they finally paused, the Princess looked at Obi with a mixture of apology and gratitude. "I didn't think I'd actually land a hit."

Obi chuckled, wiping the sweat from his brow. "That's the point of training, Your Highness. We learn from every move, every mistake."

With a shared glance, they made their way back to the palace, the moonlight guiding their steps. The Princess returned to her regal facade, but the memory of the moonlit training session lingered—a testament to the delicate balance she sought between duty and the freedom to be herself.


Sorry, you guys. These are fill-in chapters as I am working on some more detailed stuff that is gonna hopefully blow your minds with the shit I am about to put these characters through in the future.

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