Chapter 5|| Unexpected Reunion

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"Okay, Obi. This is your chance. Get yourself together. She won't be mad... would she? You've only been absent for the past eighteen months after all. Hahaha...ha...ha. Damn, who am I kidding? She'll kill me." Obi was swinging from tree to tree, trying to give himself a last-minute pep talk about meeting the Princess for the first time in a very, very long time. 

With the agility of someone well-versed in the art of stealth, he silently moved through the treetops, making his way closer to the towering walls. His nimble movements were a testament to years of training and experience. He carefully avoided the watchful eyes of the palace guards patrolling the perimeter.

As the Empire finally came into view, he stopped moving and perched on the branch of a tree. Now all he had to do was scale the walls undetected and make his way to the Princess's room. 

The palace loomed above him, its intricate architecture casting shadows in the moonlight. The soft rustle of leaves and the distant sounds of the night masked his presence as he contemplated his next move.

After a moment of deliberation, Obi leapt from the tree, landing gracefully on the stone wall. He moved with practised ease, avoiding the areas where guards were stationed. As he traversed the walls, memories flooded back — memories of laughter, shared secrets, sword fighting and stolen moments with the Princess.

Finally, Obi reached the balcony of the Princess's chamber. He peered inside, finding her seated by the window, engrossed in a book. The sight of her brought a mix of emotions — joy, nostalgia, and a twinge of guilt for being absent for so long.

Summoning his courage, Obi tapped lightly on the balcony railing. The Princess looked up, her eyes widening in surprise as she caught sight of the familiar figure.

"Obi?" she whispered, disbelief colouring her voice.

"In the flesh, Your Highness," he replied, offering a playful salute. "Miss me?"

"Obi!" she laughed, putting down her book on the chair and padding over to him, embracing him in a long hug. 

"I called it." he chuckled breathily, relieved that she wasn't angry at him whatsoever.

A strong punch in the gut had him doubling over as the princess stood there, her arms crossed. "That's for leaving without notice." she cracked her fingers before smacking him on the back of his head. "And that is for staying away from me for so long." 

"The heck?" he said with a grimace, clearly in pain. "You hit like... a man." he wailed. 

"I'll take that as a compliment," she announced walking back into her room.

"It is!"

As Obi recovered from the unexpected punches, he couldn't help but smile. The Princess's playful but forceful retribution felt oddly reassuring, a familiar dynamic that transcended the time he had been away.

The Princess turned to face him, her expression a mix of mock annoyance and genuine affection. "You vanish for over a year, and the first thing you do is make me worry, Obi. You owe me an explanation."

Obi straightened up, rubbing his stomach. "Beautiful, you know how it is. Duty called, and I had to answer. But I promise, I've come back to stay."

The Princess raised an eyebrow, a skeptical glint in her eyes as she ignored the pet name he called her. "We'll see about that. Now, what brings you back, and why the dramatic entrance?"

"Listen, Princess." he begged but she had already turned away and started walking back into her room. 

"It was personal business, okay?" he reluctantly shouted out causing her to pause her movements. "People were plotting against me and I... I had to deal with it."

She sighed, turning around and giving him a once-over. "Good night, Obi." she forced a tight smile towards him and shut her balcony door, locking it. She knew that there was more to the story but he wasn't willing to share. 

That's okay

Two can play that game.

The moon cast its silvery glow over the balcony as Obi stood there, slightly perplexed by the Princess's response. He sighed, realizing that mending the bridges he had burnt would take more than just a charming smile.

Undeterred, he decided to give her some space for the night and try again tomorrow. As he prepared to leave, he noticed a small note pinned to the balcony door. Curiosity piqued, he unfolded it to reveal the Princess's elegant handwriting.

"Meet me at the garden at sunrise. We have much to talk about."

'Seems like she might give this idiot a chance after all...'

The night passed slowly, and as dawn broke, Obi made his way to the palace garden. The air was filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers, creating a serene backdrop.

The Princess was already there, standing by a marble fountain. Her expression was a mix of curiosity and guarded anticipation. Obi approached her cautiously, unsure of how she would react.

"You're punctual, for once," she remarked, a playful glint in her eyes.

Obi chuckled nervously. "Well, I aim to impress. So, where do I begin?"

The Princess folded her arms, leaning against the fountain. "Start with the truth. Why did you really leave, Obi?"

Obi took a deep breath. "I had enemies, people who wanted me out of the picture. I couldn't risk putting you in danger. So, I went underground, dealt with the threats, and waited for the right time to return."

The Princess studied him for a moment, her eyes searching for sincerity. "And now? Why return now?"

He stiffened visibly, but still gave her a response. "I couldn't stay away any longer. The thought of you being in danger because of me was unbearable. I had to make things right."

She sighed. "Okay, Obi. I can't be mad at you, can I? Or is that a choice? How do I know I can trust you? Why should I trust you? More importantly, Obi." she paused from her ranting.

"Where does your loyalty lie?"

Obi met her gaze, understanding the gravity of her questions. He took a moment to choose his words carefully.

"My loyalty lies with you, Princess. Always has, always will. I left to protect you, to ensure that no harm came to you because of me. And I've come back to stay, to stand by your side and make amends for the time I was away."

The Princess continued to scrutinize him, her expression a mix of skepticism and contemplation. "Actions speak louder than words, Obi. You can't just waltz back in and expect everything to be the same."

Obi nodded, acknowledging the truth in her words. "I know, and I'm not expecting it to be. I'm here to earn back your trust, to prove that I'm committed to this partnership."

She sighed, her guard softening a bit. "You're infuriating, Obi. But I suppose I missed your infuriating presence."

He grinned, a genuine warmth in his eyes. "Missed you too, Your Highness."

The Princess rolled her eyes at the formal address, but a small smile played on her lips. "We'll see how this goes, Obi. You've got a lot to make up for."

"I'm up for the challenge," he replied, determination evident in his voice.

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