Chapter 8||Preparations

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His heart pounded as he mounted his black stallion. Tight armour concealed every inch of his body with a bag of arrows on his back and the kingdom's ancient sword in his hand. It was then the realization of what was happening dawned on the young Prince:

'I'm going to war.'

Armies of soldiers were lined up behind him, awaiting the signal to leave the palace walls and bring destruction upon their beloved Sapphire Empire. He had to warn the Princess about this somehow. This story was not going in either of their favours. Of course, his older brother had to put him on the front lines. Either way, Izana would get the satisfaction of being the 'all-powerful one'.

A black shadow caught his attention, Obi! He signalled for the aforementioned male to come down and then proceeded to beg him to warn the princess about the terror her Empire was going to face.

"Please, Obi. This is all happening too fast for me to understand. With their weak forces, there is no doubt that we will win and then...  she will have to marry me." he whispered, head hung low. There was no way he could stop this. He would be hanged for treason and that was not something he wanted his descendants to have to learn about.

Obi nodded. "Stall some time for me. I won't be long." he took off within seconds, leaving the second Prince there, still deep in thought. Obi was moving too fast, he didn't know that he was this athletic but right now, he was not complaining.

'Princess, please prepare.'

Minutes passed like agonising hours and Zen was beginning to grow worried. What if Obi doesn't make it in time? What if Izana finds out? A voice snaps him out of his train of thought. "Your Highness, we must depart immediately; an order by the First Prince." Zen gritted his teeth, looking up at his brother's office and there he could see a silhouette, against the curtains was none other than a grinning Prince Izana.

He raised his sword, signalling the impending march. The soldiers, fueled by anticipation, readied themselves for the upcoming battle. The palace gates creaked open, revealing the path that he must take to the Sapphire Empire. His heart filled with regret and he let out a shaky exhale. It shouldn't take them long to reach the Sapphire Empire because Izana, being the genius he is, hired people to make an underground tunnel that went just before the beginning of the Empire.

Izana was smart but Obi? He was Einstein. Obi knew a shortcut to everywhere, which is why today was the perfect day for him to hold onto his two remaining brain cells.

Obi raced through the palace corridors, avoiding guards and obstacles, determined to reach the Princess before the army descended upon them. He barged into her chambers, breathless and wide-eyed, rushing to inform her of the situation.

Princess Sakanoue was confused "Obi, what are you doing here?" she questioned walking closer to him.

"Your Highness, we are under attack. Prince Zen has sent me to warn you. We must prepare for the defense of the Sapphire Empire," Obi exclaimed, his words hanging heavy in the air.

"Under attack? Prince Zen? Who's-" she began but was cut short. "No time to explain! Get the Emperor and let's get this thing sorted."

Startled by Obi's frantic statement, Princess Sakanoue realized right away how serious things were. She did not waste any time in summoning her father, the Emperor, and giving instructions to strengthen the palace fortifications.

The noises of faraway soldiers and clanging armour became louder as the Princess and her trusty advisors organized the defense. Now that he was gathering his breath, Obi described the details of the approaching onslaught, well, as much as he was told by Zen.

As the arrangements were being made, Princess Sakanoue couldn't help but be concerned about Prince Zen. She was aware that he was also entangled in a web of uncontrollable events. She was completely shaken by the idea that war had arrived at their doorstep, yet she stayed unwavering, for her people.

As the army advanced into the boundaries of the Sapphire Empire, Prince Zen experienced a wave of contradictory feelings. He was having a hard time finding comfort in the knowledge that Obi was headed to warn the Princess as the troops pressed forward. He sincerely hoped she received the information in time to put in place the appropriate defenses.

Princess Sakanoue and the Emperor were back inside the palace getting ready for the oncoming attack. The Sapphire Empire was in grave danger, and the people's fortitude would be put to the test in the furnace of combat.

With determination etched on his face, Ace rode his stallion to the forefront of the army, where soldiers waited in tense anticipation. He raised his sword high, catching the glint of sunlight on its blade, and addressed the troops.

"Soldiers of the Sapphire Empire! Today, we stand at the precipice of destiny. The enemy may be at our gates, but within us lies the strength to repel any threat! Are you with me?"

"Yes, General!" came the reply of many soldiers, both men and women.

"We march not for conquest, but for the defense of our beloved Sapphire Empire! Our honor, our loyalty, and the glory of our land are at stake. Remember, it is not just our lives we fight for, but the legacy of those who came before us and the future of those who will follow!"

As Ace continued his speech, a few murmurs surfaced amongst the crowd, "Do you think we can win?" one asked.

Another nodded, "With General Ace and the others leading us, anything is possible."

Ramir's stallion trotted forward. "Brothers and sisters, this battle is not of our choosing, but we will face it head-on with unwavering courage. Our unity is our greatest strength! As long as we stand together, no force can break us."

"I never thought I'd see the day we go to war, especially considering the fact that our Empire hit a major stone when it came to training their soldiers." another soldier whispered.

"Nor I, but we fight for our homes, our families, and our Princess, regardless if we are properly trained or not. That is why she called upon her people to fight for their kingdom." a woman finally turned around to speak, causing the others to nod.

Raising his sword high, Ace boomed, "Today, we write a new chapter in the history of the Sapphire Empire. Let the enemy tremble at the sight of our resolve! Onward, my comrades, for the glory of the Sapphire Empire!"

The soldiers, inspired by his impassioned words, let out a resounding cheer, their spirits lifted as they prepared to face the battle. The clatter of armour and the thundering hooves of the black stallion echoed across the army, creating an atmosphere charged with determination and the unyielding will to defend their homeland.

Prince Zen too, had stopped his army, hoping to buy the Princess some time. He hopped off his horse and began speaking. "As we progress into this battle, we will fight with... fight with vigour! Vigour and... passion!" the words sounded so wrong on his tongue but he tried to swallow the bitter taste.

Soldiers stared at their Prince, sensing the uncertainty in his voice. Zen cleared his throat and continued, "This war was thrust upon us, but we will not let it define us. We fight for our families, our homes, and... we will conquer the Sapphire Empire."

Hello, my loves! I know you've all been anticipating a new chapter. Truth is, I had hit a major writer's block but for some reason had the inspiration to write something today. I know it's not long but I enjoyed it. 

Next Chapter: Dinner With The Wistaria's

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