Chapter 7||Arranged Plans

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The sound of wooden swords clanged as Prince Zen and Mitsuhide trained together with Kiki standing there looking at them. There were groans and grunts from both boys as they fought with ambition and vigour.

"You seem to be in high spirits," Mitsuhide remarked between exchanges. 

Zen uses this as an opportunity to push him back and then lunges towards him, sword steady until he finally has its wooden tip at Mitsuhide's neck. Zen smirks and then drops his stance, sighing. He looks towards Kiki who only gives him a nod of approval. 

"Because sneaking out today was worth it," Zen finally answers with a lop-sided grin.

"Glad to hear it," Kiki said, striding over with towels in hand. She handed one to Zen, who accepted it graciously with a 'thanks.'

"Then, you can finish your paperwork in high spirits too, right?" She sassily quipped while also giving Mitsuhide his towel.

Zen looks stunned and he sighs again before looking up at the sky before shaking his head out of the daydream he appeared to be having and walking back to his chambers. 

Mitsuhide and Kiki exchanged amused glances as they followed Zen back towards the palace. The trio strolled through the well-manicured gardens, the air filled with a mix of the sweet fragrance of flowers and the earthy scent of the wooden swords they had just wielded.

As they neared the 'meeting room,' Zen suddenly halted and signalled for silence to his two personal guards. He pressed a finger to his lips, then pointed discreetly toward the room. Faint voices emanated from within, prompting Zen to question the absence of guards.

"But your highness!" a hushed voice pleaded behind the walls.

"Silence! What I declare is final. We will be invading the Sapphire Empire in a few days, and there is nothing you can do to prevent me from doing so," came a familiar voice. It sent a shiver down Zen's spine – Prince Izana. The revelation left him bewildered. Why would Izana, someone he thought he knew, be planning such a drastic move? 

"Yes... your majesty." came the defeated voice of whom Zen presumed to be one of their advisors. 

"Wonderful. Then this meeting is concluded!" came the ecstatic voice of Prince Izana. 

Hurriedly, Zen pushed Kiki and Mitsuhide a far distance back and turned them around the corner. "Act normal." was all he said before striding along carelessly down the same hallway. Both guards were shocked but followed nonetheless. His guards, though shocked, followed his lead.

Zen had to be a professional because from the moment he turned the corner, the doors flew open and all of the members inside filed out swiftly. He passed them with a nod and as he was about to go into his study, a voice called out to him.

"Brother, there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!"

Zen turned to face his older brother, Prince Izana, a forced smile playing on his lips. "Ah, Prince Izana. What brings you here?" he asked, suppressing the unease that lingered beneath the surface.

"Follow me to my study. We have much to discuss." was all he said before turning on his heel and passing Kiki and Mitsuhide who were bowing from their hips. He looked at them and smirked before chuckling. "You two," he began, "raise your heads. You will not accompany Prince Zen and may instead head straight to the training room for there is much you have to do."

"Yes, your highness." they flatly responded and headed off to their destination. 

As Izana walked ahead, Zen followed his older brother to the study, a sense of foreboding settling over him. The meeting room revelation lingered in his mind, and he wondered how much or if Izana knew about his eavesdropping.

Once inside the study, Izana closed the door behind them and turned to face Zen, the forced smile replaced by a serious expression. "Sit," he commanded, gesturing to the ornate chairs arranged in the room. Zen obliged, taking a seat opposite his brother.

"I trust you've been keeping up with your responsibilities, Zen," Izana began, his tone measured.

Zen nodded. "Of course, brother. The affairs of the kingdom are in good order. But I must admit, I didn't expect you to call me in for a meeting so abruptly."

Izana leaned forward, his gaze penetrating. "There are matters that concern the future of our kingdom. Matters that require secrecy and swift action."

Zen's curiosity grew, but he kept his expression neutral. "I'm here to assist in any way I can, brother."

Izana's eyes narrowed slightly, as if gauging Zen's sincerity. "Good. The time has come for us to expand our influence, and the Sapphire Empire presents an opportunity we cannot ignore."

Zen's heart sank. The invasion plan confirmed his worst fears. "Izana, invading the Sapphire Empire is a drastic move. Have you considered the consequences? The potential loss of lives?"

Izana leaned back, a shadow of annoyance crossing his face. "This is not a decision made lightly, Zen. The Sapphire Empire possesses resources we need, and their alliances could prove beneficial for our kingdom's stability."

Zen hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "But, brother, there must be diplomatic solutions. War should be a last resort."

Izana's eyes flashed with a hint of impatience. "The decision has been made. I expected you to understand the gravity of the situation. Our advisors have discussed this thoroughly, and the invasion is imminent."

As the weight of the situation sank in, Zen knew he had to tread carefully. "Izana, I only ask that you reconsider. We should explore all possible avenues before resorting to war."

His brother's expression hardened. "You will stand by this decision, Zen. The kingdom's fate depends on it. I expect your loyalty."

Zen nodded, a conflict of emotions churning within him. As Izana rose from his seat, Zen couldn't shake the feeling that the kingdom was on the precipice of a turbulent era.

"I hope you know, Zen, that there's a reason why I decided to do this," Izana sighed as he got up and walked over to his brother, who stood up immediately.

"Their soldiers are weak, and he's trying to get her married off to strengthen his kingdom. What the poor Grand Princess doesn't know is that her daddy's a broke Emperor. And this, my dear brother, is where we sweep in. We'll attack them, and then they'll have no choice but to marry her off. The Kingdom of Clarines will be well known for their strategic planning, and we'll go down in history!" Izana announced like he was the smartest person in the world. 

Zen looked down, his hands trembling. He didn't know how to take this news. This wasn't right, but he couldn't go against his brother, or he would be hanged for treason.

"You said that they'll marry her off. To who?" Zen asked shakily, watching the amusing glint in his brother's eyes.

"You, dear brother. I want nothing to do with a petty Princess, Zen, especially if it's a Sakanoue."

I have a question to ask you all because school is reopening soon for me and I need to study to be on top so...

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Longer chapters but long waiting periods

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