The Worst

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Gumball sat with his family in the dining hall of the hotel. Every sound around him seemed to blur, except for the sounds of Tristan and Penelope, his two kids, and his wife Penny.

Gumball spent the night pondering over what had been discussed about the item from the Void, he had hardly slept the whole night. The uneasy feeling of complete disaster had swept over him like a tsunami. He tossed and turned, more than likely keeping Penny awake; but she reassured him that he had not.

However slim the possibility was for such a catastrophic event to occur in the small resort town, it still lingered in the mind of Gumball. He didn't want his kids to endure what he had with the Void, and the family and friends he had almost lost in such a turbulent event....

Suddenly, his thoughts had shifted and were soon interrupted by his son Tristan.

"Dad? Is everything okay?"

The tiny blue feline asked, placing a paw on his father's arm.

Gumball blinked rapidly, trying to return and get his bearings back to reality, as he slowly began to smile slightly, trying to place reassurance into his son's thoughts and concerns about him.

"I'm.....I'm okay little man, thank you. Are you enjoying your vacation so far? How's your breakfast?"

Gumball asked, as Tristan placed another bite from his syrup filled pancakes into his mouth.

"It's pretty good Dad! Considering how we have found ourselves on a tropical and magic island resort that resembles home....I'd say we're doing okay!"

Pieces of the pancake were flying onto parts of Gumball, as Tristan finished speaking. Gumball wiped away the remnants of the food barrage that went onto him, as he smiled and sighed slightly .

"That's great to hear little man....although, I certainly wouldn't mind you chewing your food first before answering. I'm in no rush, and it certainly would have spared me the syrup filled pancake pieces on my fur."

Gumball stated with a stern, but loving smile, giving Tristan a nervous smile that soon washed away towards a happy and upbeat expression.

"Right...heh, sorry about that Dad, I'll try to be more...."conscientious" of my eating next time."

Tristan stated with a smile, and Gumball returned the smile before gently ruffling the fur on top of the little blue kitten's head.

Penny smiled at this exchange, as she was wiping away some remnants of food from Penelope's mouth with a serviette.

"He certainly has the precocious and rambunctious nature of his Dad at his age, wouldn't you agree Mr. Watterson?"

Penny stated with a warm smile and an eyebrow raised, as Gumball returned the loving expression to Penny who was sitting just a few feet adjacent to where he was sitting.

"Oh, heh, I guess so honey....I wasn't that...."disorderly" as a kid....was I?"

Gumball stated, as Penny chuckled a little before doing a sarcastic contemplative expression.

"Hmmmm.....I guess you're right.....I mean, this IS the same kid who had a bar of soap in his mouth when my father drove me to your house for a school project right?"

As Penny finished saying this, Tristan and Penelope audibly giggled together and Gumball began to reveal a prominent blush around his cheeks.

"I...guess you're right honey....I was pretty adventurous and outgoing as a kid."

Gumball stated with a slight smile, as Penny reached across the table to touch his paw.

"But it's those traits that brought me to you in the first place....and I wouldn't have changed it for the world."

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