The Memories

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Gumball slowly opened his eyes.

The faint light that the Void did have, shone directly onto the blue feline from one of the windows of the general store.

He glanced at his watch: "9:00 a.m."

He slowly began to shift himself from his chair to reach the floor beneath his feet.

"Nothing like a good stretch after a long rest..."

He stated in a soft whisper, as his claws dug deep into the floor beneath him, his stretching causing his bones and joints to crack from the release of tension.

He quickly glanced over to the adjacent part of the room where he was standing, and saw that his mother, Nicole, and his son, Tristan, were still very much asleep. 

"It's such a shame I have to disrupt their sleep, they truly deserve a rest...we really need one after such erratic events transpired."

Gumball continued to ruminate within his own thoughts, his synapses continued to flood with contemplation and thoughts of his family finally being safe from the threat the Void posed.

He quickly shifted back to reality, as he crept slowly to the blue felines; gently shaking his mother's arm.

"Hey's time to wake up. We got a big day ahead of us if we want to see home again..."

Nicole slowly opened her eyes as the blurred shape of her son slowly transitioned into focus.

"Oh....Good morning Gum-*Yawn* Gumball...."

Gumball chuckled at this greeting from his mother, as he leaned into give her a kiss on her forehead.

"You and Tristan can start making preparations to get up soon, I'm going to fix us some breakfast sandwiches to go."

Gumball then left the two felines, as Nicole gently pulled the blanket over Tristan ensuring that he was warm and secure.


Gumball entered the kitchen with a contemplative expression.

"Surely a general store kitchen would have the ingredients for this recipe....right?"

Gumball shifted his vision and attention to the cupboards and drawers.

He pulled out various utensils and bowls, before rummaging through the refrigerator for ingredients.

"It has been a while since I did this recipe....actually a VERY long time....the last time I did learn about this was just before I graduated high school..."

Within the hour, Gumball was preparing a delicious breakfast for all three of them to take on the road. It was imperative that they didn't waste a single second in the Void, it was of the utmost importance that they reunited with their family and retrieved those memories.


Outside the kitchen, in the general store washroom upstairs, Nicole was waiting outside for Tristan to finish preparing himself for the day.

Tristan opened the door, and scratched the back of his neck, as he was now dawning his vacation clothes which consisted of a white and red striped t-shirt; and some beige summer shorts.

"Sorry about the wait Grandma Nicole...the sink was a little high to reach at my height, so washing my face was a bit of a struggle..."

Nicole smiled at her grandson.

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