The Void

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Tristan held his father's paw tightly, ensuring to never lose his firm grip; as feelings of desolation and dread soon encompassed his thoughts and subconscious.

"What did Dad find here as a child? What was so menacing that they needed to prevent from reaching our world and dimension?"

The little kitten continued to tighten and tighten his grip until he soon released his claws unintentionally piercing his father's paw.


Gumball soon glanced at his paw which now had a small incision into it, before looking down to see his son cupping his two paws around his mouth in shock and concern.

"I'm so sorry Dad! I-I-I just was s-so scared and-"

Before the blue kitten could finish his apology, Gumball knelt down on one knee and hugged his son.

"It's okay little man, I completely understand. You're feeling the same way I was when I first came to the Void. I know you're scared, and though I don't appear to be I really am too...but do you know what keeps me going forward?"

Gumball asked, as Tristan let a small faint tear drip down his cheek.

"W-what Dad?"

Tristan's voice trembling as he let out the words.

"Knowing that my family is still out there, your sister, Mother, Uncle, Grandma and Grandpa....they're counting on us kiddo. We Watterson's stick together through thick and thin even though we may not always show it."

Gumball placed his two paws on his son's shoulders as he said this, as Tristan smiled.

"'re right Dad. We always stood by one a-another last vacation, so we're not that dysfunctional of a family after all!"

Tristan stated as Gumball chuckled at his remark.

"That's my boy..."

Gumball said, as he soon heard a low rumble come from the desolate and dark street ahead.

"W-w-what was that?"

Tristan asked, soon moving to clutch onto his father's arm, as Gumball shielded him in a protective stance.

Once again a low roar was heard emanating down the street and reverberating towards their end.

"Follow me little man, I have a feeling that we're going to need to hide from whatever that was."

Gumball stated, soon ushering Tristan to a nearby dumpster in an alley adjacent to where they were standing.

The two blue felines crouched, as a monstrous pair of footsteps were soon approaching their position.


Tristan soon let out a small whimper, before rushing to his father's arms.

"Shhhhh, it's okay little man; we just need to stay quiet until whatever this creature is passes..."

Gumball kept his head on a swivel to assess his surroundings before the creature's foot could be seen, slowly scraping along the asphalt of the main street. 

Tristan soon let out another faint cry before Gumball gently placed his paw over his son's mouth to suppress any noise that should come out.

Tristan squeezed his father tighter for comfort, as the creature soon moved itself into full view of Gumball's vision of the alleyway leading into the street.

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