Home Again (Finale and Epilogue)

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Gumball and Penny whirled through the portal, as vibrant colors and past memories cascaded past them. All of their families' memories and experiences were flashing before their very eyes....literally.

Soon, they could see a vibrant light indicating that they were close to exiting the portal; and back to the world they called home.

Instantaneously they stumbled onto the cool marble floor of an office space.

After being dazed for a few moments, Gumball and Penny were greeted with a host of hugs and tears; as the entire Watterson family was relieved to be together again....back home where they belong....or at least, their home world.

"Dad! Mom! We did it!"

Tristan and Penelope shouted in jubilation, as Gumball and Penny wrapped their arms around their kids.

"I told you we would Dad!"

Tristan said in jubilation, as Gumball looked downwards to his chest and stomach, where the small kitten had wrapped his arms around the larger feline's waist.

Gumball chuckled and smiled, as he ruffled the fur on top of his son's head.

"You sure did, kiddo....you sure did."

Gumball and Tristan smiled at one another, as they hugged once more, both audibly purring with each other to indicate their happiness and comfort.

Suddenly, as they pulled away, they were able to gain a bearing on the office around them.

Commotion was heard from the office door, as it swung open to reveal Rob and his llama secretary.

"Oh thank goodness! I was worried the portal was not going to be able to triangulate the origin position of the last portal that sent you to the Void, but I'm thankful that you are here in tact and all in one piece!"

Rob stated with a slightly anxious tone in his voice, as he soon approached the Watterson family.

"I don't think I need to explain the gratitude and thanks this entire town, no, the entire WORLD owes to you and your family, Gumball. From the bottom of all of our hearts....thank you, Gumball Watterson."

Gumball scratched the back of his neck as he heard these words from his friend and former arch-nemesis. Before his eyes widened with an idea, as he quickly approached the glitched humanoid figure.

The blue feline smiled, as he wrapped his arms around Rob for a warm embrace and hug.

The glitched humanoid was stunned at first by this sudden show of affection, but quickly transitioned to a smile, as he too wrapped his arms around the blue feline.

"No Rob, thank you bro....without your notes and guidance through the Void, we would still be stranded there running around in circles without a clue of what to do to get back home! Really....the town and my family owe YOU!"

As Gumball said this, the Watterson family surrounded the two friends hugging and began a group hug.

Rob began to tear up at this, as thoughts began to swirl around in his head.

"They're....thanking me?!"

The glitched figure, soon had tears began to well up in his eyes from joy and happiness.

Never in his life, had he felt such affection and appreciation, much less from the very person he had once swore was his enemy and nemesis. An annoying blue cat boy who had driven him to his limits in patience and contempt. 

But now? This former nemesis...had now truly become a lifelong friend that he never forgot...even as he parted ways with Elmore back in California when he and the Watterson's defeated the Void all those years ago as kids....he never forgot the impact that annoying fur-ball had on him through it all.....

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