The Grandparents

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The next morning began with a swift motion of activity from the Watterson's. Tristan, who had spent the night sleeping with his father, Gumball, in the recliner chair he favored; as Tristan soon shook his father's arm to wake him up.

"Hey! Hey, Dad! Wake up!"

Tristan had stated with soft urgency in his voice, as Gumball continued to snore.

" *Sigh* You're really going to make me do this, huh?"

Tristan exclaimed with a slight tinge of disappointment in his tone, as he crawled up to his father's face and moved the blanket off of him.

"I'm sorry to have to do this again Dad, but we got to get going and save the rest of the family!"

Tristan soon gave a slight nibble on his father's left ear, which suddenly gave a jolt of surprise to the larger blue feline; successfully waking him up.


Gumball yelped, as Tristan soon got off from his father's lap, and stood up in front of the chair with a face ridden with guilt.

"Are you alright, Dad?"

Tristan asked with worry and concern in his tone, as Gumball continued to soothe the affected ear from the bite.

"Yeah....Yeah I'm okay...but did you really have to do that move again? I remember you doing that as a toddler to wake me up, but I thought you grew out of that."

Tristan's face soon transitioned to one of being sullen.

"I'm.....I'm sorry Dad, it's just that you weren't waking up and-"

Gumball quickly placed a paw on his son's shoulder and gave a reassuring smile.

"Hey kiddo, I'm just messing with you! It's my fault for not being up earlier to get us prepared!"

Tristan was relieved to hear this from his father, as he soon jumped for a hug into his father's arms.

"Awwww, it's okay little man....Hey! That actually was the same tactic I used with with your grandmother when she was sleeping and forgot to get us ready for kindergarten with your Uncle Darwin!"

Tristan soon pulled away from the embrace with his father and looked at him with confusion.

"Wait, REALLY?!"

Gumball gave a smirk.

"Yep! Granted, It was a much more....bombastic reaction to what I had with you just now...."

Gumball was about to continue, before a soft female voice soon crept up behind the chair; sending shivers and chills down both felines' spines.

"Well, That's because she had just finished an arduous and tiring shift at the Rainbow Factory....but yes, perhaps she did overreact a little..."

Gumball and Tristan soon shifted their heads to see Nicole smiling at them.

She soon took one of her paw's to ruffle Gumball's fur on top of his head.

"But, I'd be remiss if I said those days with my little Gummypuss didn't bring me joy and memories as well."

Gumball soon rolled his eyes and dawned a embarrassed expression.

"And you STILL insist on that nickname, Mom?"

Nicole chuckled, as she soon kissed the top of her son's head.

"Indeed, and there's nothing you can do about it, mister!"

She soon rotated around the chair, and picked up her grandson, Tristan.

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